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Trouble Receiving Data on the CM-5 of Bioloid Robot

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Trouble Receiving Data on the CM-5 of Bioloid Robot

Post by ronnie_farrell » Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:23 pm

Post by ronnie_farrell
Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:23 pm


I am using the Bioloid Comprehensive Kit for my 4th year project. I am having some trouble with receiving data on the CM-5. After looking at some documention it stated that the packet format for serial protocol is FF 55 LSB ~LSB MSB ~MSB where ~LSB is the inverse or compliment of LSB and in hex. To begin, I verified the structure of the packet by writing a simple behaviour controlled program (BCP) using the CM-5 TX remocon data function to transmit '1'. I connected the robot to a COM port. I then used a serial port monitor program and saw that the packet transmitted was FF 55 01 FE 00 FF (hex). This was expected and concluded that was indeed the packet format for serial protocol.

Now, that I knew the the correct packet format for serial protocol used by the CM-5, I wrote a BCP to receive data sent by the COM port. The program I wrote looked like this:

(label = Repeat)
IF (CM-5 RX remocon data arrived) = 0 THEN JUMP Repeat
LOAD Data <= (CM-5 RX remocon data)
If Data = 1 THEN JUMP Sit
(label = Sit)
-- code to make the robot sit which has been tested and works

By knowing the correct packet format that the CM-5 uses, I used the serial port monitor program to send FF 55 01 FE 00 FF in hex (which the CM-5 recognizes as a '1') from the COM port that was hooked up the the robot. However, the robot was unresponsive. The RXD LED on the CM-5 didn't blink either which indicates to me that the CM-5 was rejecting the packet. I am very confused as I can transmit data, but by using the same packet format the robot does not receive the data being sent to it. Please help.

Ronnie Farrell

I am using the Bioloid Comprehensive Kit for my 4th year project. I am having some trouble with receiving data on the CM-5. After looking at some documention it stated that the packet format for serial protocol is FF 55 LSB ~LSB MSB ~MSB where ~LSB is the inverse or compliment of LSB and in hex. To begin, I verified the structure of the packet by writing a simple behaviour controlled program (BCP) using the CM-5 TX remocon data function to transmit '1'. I connected the robot to a COM port. I then used a serial port monitor program and saw that the packet transmitted was FF 55 01 FE 00 FF (hex). This was expected and concluded that was indeed the packet format for serial protocol.

Now, that I knew the the correct packet format for serial protocol used by the CM-5, I wrote a BCP to receive data sent by the COM port. The program I wrote looked like this:

(label = Repeat)
IF (CM-5 RX remocon data arrived) = 0 THEN JUMP Repeat
LOAD Data <= (CM-5 RX remocon data)
If Data = 1 THEN JUMP Sit
(label = Sit)
-- code to make the robot sit which has been tested and works

By knowing the correct packet format that the CM-5 uses, I used the serial port monitor program to send FF 55 01 FE 00 FF in hex (which the CM-5 recognizes as a '1') from the COM port that was hooked up the the robot. However, the robot was unresponsive. The RXD LED on the CM-5 didn't blink either which indicates to me that the CM-5 was rejecting the packet. I am very confused as I can transmit data, but by using the same packet format the robot does not receive the data being sent to it. Please help.

Ronnie Farrell
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:20 pm

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