Hi Bren
What you describe sounds fabulous! We would welcome you to come along and join us. You say you would pay towards the cost - I suggest that rather than cash, it would be very nice to support the Schools by donating a prize or two for best overall performance, or something like that, on behalf of your group.
I'll pop onto your forum and have a peek. We have our own forum
http://micromouseonline.com, and of course the web-site at
http://micromouse.tic.ac.uk Lets keep in touch!
Dr. Tony Wilcox MIEE CEng
Technology Innovation Centre
University of Central England in Birmingham
Birmingham B4 7XG
United Kingdom
tel: +44 121 331 5400
fax: +44 121 331 5401
From: bren pierce [mailto:piercebren@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tue 23/01/2007 10:59
To: MicroMouse
Subject: RE:You summer event
I belong to the robosavvy.com forum and we are trying to organise a summer
meet. We found out about your event on the robot-dreams.com site. We were
wondering if we could have a small area at your venue, 2 tables pushed
together would be all the space we require.
I feel that it would be good for your event as we can entertain the crowd
with your Humanoid robots, there would be 10 - 20 robots there and we would
also pay towards the cost of the event. the sort of events we are hoping to
do are a elimination fighting comp and a demo section including stair
climbing. the sort of robots that would be on show would mostly be
Robonova's, bioloid, Manoi, KHR series and also home built.
Hope to hear from you.