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Robanova Tribute Flap

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Robanova Tribute Flap

Post by cdraptor » Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:58 am

Post by cdraptor
Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:58 am

Okay my last post for a bit, time to play with the RBT-1 more and setup a bunch of my own things.

Here is my first motion I designed - a Robonova like one leg flap. One interesting thing about the RBT-1 which is very different than most of the other Humanoids is the forearm servo alignment, instead of moving inwards/outwards from the body when the arms are straight down, it's setup to do more of a Bicep curl. So this flap didn't work out quite like I was initially thinking.

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Okay my last post for a bit, time to play with the RBT-1 more and setup a bunch of my own things.

Here is my first motion I designed - a Robonova like one leg flap. One interesting thing about the RBT-1 which is very different than most of the other Humanoids is the forearm servo alignment, instead of moving inwards/outwards from the body when the arms are straight down, it's setup to do more of a Bicep curl. So this flap didn't work out quite like I was initially thinking.

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Savvy Roboteer
Savvy Roboteer
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