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Hmmm - extra servo connection in the RBT-1 Arm

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Hmmm - extra servo connection in the RBT-1 Arm

Post by cdraptor » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:32 pm

Post by cdraptor
Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:32 pm

So I was checking out the RBT-1 in more detail and checking through the manual in greater detail as well. There is a gyro in development and a specific connection on the RPU-11 unit for it which is refered to in the manual. I also noticed that there is an extra servo connector slot in each arm. Hmm, maybe some grippers coming, I don't know this is all speculation right now, there was nothing mentioned about that.


So I was checking out the RBT-1 in more detail and checking through the manual in greater detail as well. There is a gyro in development and a specific connection on the RPU-11 unit for it which is refered to in the manual. I also noticed that there is an extra servo connector slot in each arm. Hmm, maybe some grippers coming, I don't know this is all speculation right now, there was nothing mentioned about that.


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Post by cdraptor » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:05 am

Post by cdraptor
Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:05 am

Well after seeing the extra servo connection, I started to dig around in the program. What I really like about the RBT-1 Motion Editor is all the files I have been browsing are ASCII text - very hackable and provides the option to easily create your own tools. Motions Files, Poses and in the System data the trim, default servo positions and servo configuration setup. I doesn't look like the software is setup to dynamically read in the configuration and lay out the textboxes, I haven't confirmed that but did a quick test by adding in my own servo ids for lets say grippers. It gave me an error stating invalid file, I'll do some more digging. Details to follow at a later date/time
Well after seeing the extra servo connection, I started to dig around in the program. What I really like about the RBT-1 Motion Editor is all the files I have been browsing are ASCII text - very hackable and provides the option to easily create your own tools. Motions Files, Poses and in the System data the trim, default servo positions and servo configuration setup. I doesn't look like the software is setup to dynamically read in the configuration and lay out the textboxes, I haven't confirmed that but did a quick test by adding in my own servo ids for lets say grippers. It gave me an error stating invalid file, I'll do some more digging. Details to follow at a later date/time
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Post by robbybot » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:01 am

Post by robbybot
Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:01 am

cool! very interesting - i knew futaba would prob have something up thier sleeve :wink: keep us posted.
cool! very interesting - i knew futaba would prob have something up thier sleeve :wink: keep us posted.
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