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RBT-1 owners: What's your opinion?

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RBT-1 owners: What's your opinion?

Post by Dave[TR] » Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:54 am

Post by Dave[TR]
Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:54 am

Hello, Robosavvy community!

I would like to get some input from folks who own the Futaba RBT-1 (or the original HPI version). Pros, cons, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

I've been hearing mostly good things, but a few people have reported some stability issues. Our demo unit performs most of the pre-programmed motions just fine, although some screws need to be tightened periodically to keep everything solid, and it rarely gets through the demo scenario without falling.

I don't mind the flaky canned motions, because I'm modifying them anyway, but what do the rest of you think of this bot?
Hello, Robosavvy community!

I would like to get some input from folks who own the Futaba RBT-1 (or the original HPI version). Pros, cons, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

I've been hearing mostly good things, but a few people have reported some stability issues. Our demo unit performs most of the pre-programmed motions just fine, although some screws need to be tightened periodically to keep everything solid, and it rarely gets through the demo scenario without falling.

I don't mind the flaky canned motions, because I'm modifying them anyway, but what do the rest of you think of this bot?
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Post by n2stuff » Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:02 am

Post by n2stuff
Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:02 am

it needs a gyro bad,yep the screws get loose,battery life 20 minutes,the software needs updating. what else, let me me think about it some more.

it needs a gyro bad,yep the screws get loose,battery life 20 minutes,the software needs updating. what else, let me me think about it some more.

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Re: RBT-1 owners: What's your opinion?

Post by tempusmaster » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:34 am

Post by tempusmaster
Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:34 am

Dave[TR] wrote:Hello, Robosavvy community!

I would like to get some input from folks who own the Futaba RBT-1 (or the original HPI version). Pros, cons, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

I've been hearing mostly good things, but a few people have reported some stability issues. Our demo unit performs most of the pre-programmed motions just fine, although some screws need to be tightened periodically to keep everything solid, and it rarely gets through the demo scenario without falling.

I don't mind the flaky canned motions, because I'm modifying them anyway, but what do the rest of you think of this bot?

I didn't experience that with the HPI G-Robot, which was built directly from the kit. Are your units RTW or kit?
Dave[TR] wrote:Hello, Robosavvy community!

I would like to get some input from folks who own the Futaba RBT-1 (or the original HPI version). Pros, cons, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

I've been hearing mostly good things, but a few people have reported some stability issues. Our demo unit performs most of the pre-programmed motions just fine, although some screws need to be tightened periodically to keep everything solid, and it rarely gets through the demo scenario without falling.

I don't mind the flaky canned motions, because I'm modifying them anyway, but what do the rest of you think of this bot?

I didn't experience that with the HPI G-Robot, which was built directly from the kit. Are your units RTW or kit?
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Post by Dave[TR] » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:41 pm

Post by Dave[TR]
Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:41 pm

Futaba's only offering the RTW version right now. I bet if I stripped the whole thing down and rebuilt it, I could make it a bit more solid. Does the G-Robot have the joints that pop out of place when too much force is put on them?
Futaba's only offering the RTW version right now. I bet if I stripped the whole thing down and rebuilt it, I could make it a bit more solid. Does the G-Robot have the joints that pop out of place when too much force is put on them?
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Post by tempusmaster » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:36 pm

Post by tempusmaster
Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:36 pm

Dave[TR] wrote:Futaba's only offering the RTW version right now.

Too bad. Of course it's their marketing decision, but for me a big part of the experience, learning, and satisfaction comes from assembling the robot and understanding how it works. It also gives me a lot of confidence when it becomes necessary to replace a part or servo.
I bet if I stripped the whole thing down and rebuilt it, I could make it a bit more solid.

You might be able to.
Does the G-Robot have the joints that pop out of place when too much force is put on them?

Yes, the US and Futaba versions are essentially the same from what I can tell.

The joints are designed that way to protect the servos from overtorquing and damage. If you check out the posts by C.U.E. (right after this thread) he explains how he disabled the joint popping so that he could participate in the ROBO-ONE soccer matches.

Of course if you modify them that way, eventually they will get stalled or overtorqued and blow the FETs. You see that with all the humanoids (and RC cars/planes) when the user sets them up wrong, or doesn't realize a servo is driving against its limits, or twists one.
Dave[TR] wrote:Futaba's only offering the RTW version right now.

Too bad. Of course it's their marketing decision, but for me a big part of the experience, learning, and satisfaction comes from assembling the robot and understanding how it works. It also gives me a lot of confidence when it becomes necessary to replace a part or servo.
I bet if I stripped the whole thing down and rebuilt it, I could make it a bit more solid.

You might be able to.
Does the G-Robot have the joints that pop out of place when too much force is put on them?

Yes, the US and Futaba versions are essentially the same from what I can tell.

The joints are designed that way to protect the servos from overtorquing and damage. If you check out the posts by C.U.E. (right after this thread) he explains how he disabled the joint popping so that he could participate in the ROBO-ONE soccer matches.

Of course if you modify them that way, eventually they will get stalled or overtorqued and blow the FETs. You see that with all the humanoids (and RC cars/planes) when the user sets them up wrong, or doesn't realize a servo is driving against its limits, or twists one.
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Post by Dave[TR] » Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:58 pm

Post by Dave[TR]
Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:58 pm

tempusmaster wrote:Too bad. Of course it's their marketing decision, but for me a big part of the experience, learning, and satisfaction comes from assembling the robot and understanding how it works. It also gives me a lot of confidence when it becomes necessary to replace a part or servo.

I agree completely. Unfortunately, it's necessary for our company's customer base to be broader than my personal tastes...

tempusmaster wrote:The joints are designed that way to protect the servos from overtorquing and damage. If you check out the posts by C.U.E. (right after this thread) he explains how he disabled the joint popping so that he could participate in the ROBO-ONE soccer matches.

That's pretty cool. I was going to try something similar, but I can't really modify ours too much because we have to use it as a display unit for shows and such :?

Thanks for the info!
tempusmaster wrote:Too bad. Of course it's their marketing decision, but for me a big part of the experience, learning, and satisfaction comes from assembling the robot and understanding how it works. It also gives me a lot of confidence when it becomes necessary to replace a part or servo.

I agree completely. Unfortunately, it's necessary for our company's customer base to be broader than my personal tastes...

tempusmaster wrote:The joints are designed that way to protect the servos from overtorquing and damage. If you check out the posts by C.U.E. (right after this thread) he explains how he disabled the joint popping so that he could participate in the ROBO-ONE soccer matches.

That's pretty cool. I was going to try something similar, but I can't really modify ours too much because we have to use it as a display unit for shows and such :?

Thanks for the info!
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Post by n2stuff » Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:31 pm

Post by n2stuff
Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:31 pm

hi dave
any news about the gyro yet? also is their a software update?
i have been looking around for both and no luck even for the hpi version.

hi dave
any news about the gyro yet? also is their a software update?
i have been looking around for both and no luck even for the hpi version.

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Post by Gort » Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:03 am

Post by Gort
Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:03 am

The one thing that I noticed during are KungFu matchs at Chibotica was that the servos keeped popping out of joint! That to me would be very annoying. I liked the speed and quickness of the robot but the servo problem has to be fixed!
The one thing that I noticed during are KungFu matchs at Chibotica was that the servos keeped popping out of joint! That to me would be very annoying. I liked the speed and quickness of the robot but the servo problem has to be fixed!
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Post by tempusmaster » Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:29 am

Post by tempusmaster
Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:29 am

Gort wrote:The one thing that I noticed during are KungFu matchs at Chibotica was that the servos keeped popping out of joint! That to me would be very annoying. I liked the speed and quickness of the robot but the servo problem has to be fixed!

Apparently those are the clutches that are designed to protect the servos from damage. Basically they are doing what they were designed to do - but that doesn't match what some customers expect from the robot or assume it is capable of.

There's an earlier post that shows how one of the owners made mods to disable them so that he could participate in ROBO-ONE scoccer and the bouts.
Gort wrote:The one thing that I noticed during are KungFu matchs at Chibotica was that the servos keeped popping out of joint! That to me would be very annoying. I liked the speed and quickness of the robot but the servo problem has to be fixed!

Apparently those are the clutches that are designed to protect the servos from damage. Basically they are doing what they were designed to do - but that doesn't match what some customers expect from the robot or assume it is capable of.

There's an earlier post that shows how one of the owners made mods to disable them so that he could participate in ROBO-ONE scoccer and the bouts.
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Post by chitownrobo » Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:18 am

Post by chitownrobo
Wed Nov 21, 2007 1:18 am

Any word on a hyro for this little guy yet ? Can't find anything
Any word on a hyro for this little guy yet ? Can't find anything
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Post by tom_chang79 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:25 am

Post by tom_chang79
Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:25 am

what's the difference between the futaba version (blue plastic shell) versus this HPI variant (black plastic shell)? Personally, I like the black one, it has better aesthetics IMO.

What do you guys think of this bot as compared to the more popular Kondos and Robonovas?
what's the difference between the futaba version (blue plastic shell) versus this HPI variant (black plastic shell)? Personally, I like the black one, it has better aesthetics IMO.

What do you guys think of this bot as compared to the more popular Kondos and Robonovas?
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Post by plingboot » Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:00 am

Post by plingboot
Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:00 am

I like both my KHR-1HV and RB1000, but if i had the cash i'd have a RBT-1 too - out of the box it's got the PS2 controller and a shed load of moves.
I like both my KHR-1HV and RB1000, but if i had the cash i'd have a RBT-1 too - out of the box it's got the PS2 controller and a shed load of moves.
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Post by tom_chang79 » Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:02 pm

Post by tom_chang79
Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:02 pm

So are there differences between HPI's and Futaba's bots? Or are they the same?
So are there differences between HPI's and Futaba's bots? Or are they the same?
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Post by plingboot » Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:13 am

Post by plingboot
Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:13 am

for all intents they are the same - but the hpi one is available as a kit in japan and nowhere else, the futaba one is available rtw in the usa. Neither appear to be available in the uk.
for all intents they are the same - but the hpi one is available as a kit in japan and nowhere else, the futaba one is available rtw in the usa. Neither appear to be available in the uk.
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