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new bits

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new bits

Post by robbybot » Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:28 pm

Post by robbybot
Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:28 pm

you prob all know but robot dreams report new bits to be released for the g robots robot. also if you got to the g-robots website and look at whats new and click on the 2008 catalogue there are pictures of new body colour parts and metal brackets. also a picture of a grobot sporting extra dof on one arm using the metal brackets! dont know if they will be using stronger servos? :D
you prob all know but robot dreams report new bits to be released for the g robots robot. also if you got to the g-robots website and look at whats new and click on the 2008 catalogue there are pictures of new body colour parts and metal brackets. also a picture of a grobot sporting extra dof on one arm using the metal brackets! dont know if they will be using stronger servos? :D
You and your friend are in an open field and are confronted by a hungry lion.The lion starts to charge and it is clear you must run.What should your immediate goal be?Some say "Outrun the lion."Others say "Outrun your friend."
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Post by C.U.E » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:42 pm

Post by C.U.E
Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:42 pm

they use normal servos(RS301CR & RS302CD)

u can buy new parts (including metal brackets) from RT's web shop.

http://www.rt-net.jp/index.php?main_pag ... anguage=en
they use normal servos(RS301CR & RS302CD)

u can buy new parts (including metal brackets) from RT's web shop.

http://www.rt-net.jp/index.php?main_pag ... anguage=en
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