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From RoboBrothers.com (Livermore, CA) came the first sub US$400 humanoid robot kit to appear late 2007
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Post by Tech Mech » Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:56 am

Post by Tech Mech
Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:56 am

Did you install dotnetfx and vcredist_x86?
Did you install dotnetfx and vcredist_x86?
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Post by Tech Mech » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:05 am

Post by Tech Mech
Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:05 am

"trey3670" on the pc? or bot? I assume the bot only makes sense. ok so I will try that

Need to make sure the files are installed in the bot correctly. I have gone through most of the fine tuning and I can do some of the moves from the remote control now.
"trey3670" on the pc? or bot? I assume the bot only makes sense. ok so I will try that

Need to make sure the files are installed in the bot correctly. I have gone through most of the fine tuning and I can do some of the moves from the remote control now.
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Post by trey3670 » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:34 am

Post by trey3670
Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:34 am

guess it depends on your definition of fun,I like building and learning this kinda stuff,a little worryed right now as this seems to be a hardware prob for me. and I have everything up and running on my pc,jus not the bot and I am useing windows xp
guess it depends on your definition of fun,I like building and learning this kinda stuff,a little worryed right now as this seems to be a hardware prob for me. and I have everything up and running on my pc,jus not the bot and I am useing windows xp
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Post by jaybirdtke » Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:42 am

Post by jaybirdtke
Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:42 am

I'm running XP pro with no problems. My bot is fully assembled and fully functional, less the stickers. I'm having a blast with him.
I'm running XP pro with no problems. My bot is fully assembled and fully functional, less the stickers. I'm having a blast with him.
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Post by kinglasserres » Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:03 pm

Post by kinglasserres
Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:03 pm

Try installing the dotnetfx first then vcredist_86... but before you click on the philo.exe try this first, right click on the philo.exe then properties then click on the compatability tab and check "run this program compatability mode for" and use windows 2000 or NT or 98 that might work coz you might have a service pack thats not compatible. hope this help. by the way this is my first humanoid robot and im really enjoying it i actually upgraded a four servo to high torqque on the leg because you guys should know that only two servo on the lower leg is the high torque once will upgrade the rest later coz i can get a good deal from a friend that own a hobby shop, also thinking of putting a robonova bracket on it scenes im upgrading the i think it will handle the weight, what you guys think? Anyway Happy New Year to all and hope you guys enjoy your new philo.
Try installing the dotnetfx first then vcredist_86... but before you click on the philo.exe try this first, right click on the philo.exe then properties then click on the compatability tab and check "run this program compatability mode for" and use windows 2000 or NT or 98 that might work coz you might have a service pack thats not compatible. hope this help. by the way this is my first humanoid robot and im really enjoying it i actually upgraded a four servo to high torqque on the leg because you guys should know that only two servo on the lower leg is the high torque once will upgrade the rest later coz i can get a good deal from a friend that own a hobby shop, also thinking of putting a robonova bracket on it scenes im upgrading the i think it will handle the weight, what you guys think? Anyway Happy New Year to all and hope you guys enjoy your new philo.
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Post by rebuildit » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:43 pm

Post by rebuildit
Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:43 pm

Ok, thanks guys, Got the software working, now for the build.

Ok, thanks guys, Got the software working, now for the build.

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Post by jaybirdtke » Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:16 pm

Post by jaybirdtke
Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:16 pm

Tip: The kit comes with 1 servo extension cable. I used it for the battery, since once the front and back body covers are installed you cannot unplug the battery. Using the extension allows you to leave the female end of the extension in the battery bay and unplug it without removing the body covers. I'm pretty sure this is what they had intended, however I saw no metion of it in the instructions.
Also, after installing the body covers I noticed that the servo horn that controls the head hits the inside of the front cover. I am going to cut off the last unused hole on the horn to shorten it and hopefully it solves the clearence problem.
Tip: The kit comes with 1 servo extension cable. I used it for the battery, since once the front and back body covers are installed you cannot unplug the battery. Using the extension allows you to leave the female end of the extension in the battery bay and unplug it without removing the body covers. I'm pretty sure this is what they had intended, however I saw no metion of it in the instructions.
Also, after installing the body covers I noticed that the servo horn that controls the head hits the inside of the front cover. I am going to cut off the last unused hole on the horn to shorten it and hopefully it solves the clearence problem.
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Post by jaybirdtke » Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:54 am

Post by jaybirdtke
Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:54 am

I am able to program routines to the KEY 1 - KEY 12 buttons, but I have not been able to program the number keys 1,2,3,etc. Has anyone been able to program the number keys?
I am able to program routines to the KEY 1 - KEY 12 buttons, but I have not been able to program the number keys 1,2,3,etc. Has anyone been able to program the number keys?
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Post by trey3670 » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:18 am

Post by trey3670
Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:18 am

I got it!!!!!!!!!!!! user error hardware seems fine,putting it back together now :D
I got it!!!!!!!!!!!! user error hardware seems fine,putting it back together now :D
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Post by BrianG » Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:52 am

Post by BrianG
Fri Jan 04, 2008 5:52 am

trey3670 wrote:I got it!!!!!!!!!!!! user error hardware seems fine,putting it back together now :D

trey3670 wrote:I got it!!!!!!!!!!!! user error hardware seems fine,putting it back together now :D

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Post by jaybirdtke » Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:47 am

Post by jaybirdtke
Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:47 am

Last edited by jaybirdtke on Wed Jan 09, 2008 2:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by jaybirdtke » Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:05 pm

Post by jaybirdtke
Sat Jan 05, 2008 10:05 pm

With the help of robobrothers I am now able to use the number keys on the remote. They are programmed the same way as the KEY #'s but the execution of the buttons is as follows: to execute the number key remote, you need to press 2 digits and then "enter" key. Since you can program 99 number keys from 01 to 99, when you click digit 1, the program does not know whether you have another digit coming, it will wait for the "enter key". Also, you need to wait for 0.5 seconds between keys. The number key is not as convenient as the Key1, key2 etc. You should program the most oftenly used routines with the key1, key2 etc to make it more responsive.
I have tested all of the routines in the Motion Library that comes with the CD. Several of them are already included in the philo-motion.txt file that is initially used.
I was also wondering what type of run times everyone is getting on their battery. After 5 minutes he has trouble getting up from being face down, After 10 minutes he has trouble walking.
With the help of robobrothers I am now able to use the number keys on the remote. They are programmed the same way as the KEY #'s but the execution of the buttons is as follows: to execute the number key remote, you need to press 2 digits and then "enter" key. Since you can program 99 number keys from 01 to 99, when you click digit 1, the program does not know whether you have another digit coming, it will wait for the "enter key". Also, you need to wait for 0.5 seconds between keys. The number key is not as convenient as the Key1, key2 etc. You should program the most oftenly used routines with the key1, key2 etc to make it more responsive.
I have tested all of the routines in the Motion Library that comes with the CD. Several of them are already included in the philo-motion.txt file that is initially used.
I was also wondering what type of run times everyone is getting on their battery. After 5 minutes he has trouble getting up from being face down, After 10 minutes he has trouble walking.
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Post by trey3670 » Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:45 pm

Post by trey3670
Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:45 pm

wonder if you can use a lipo?
wonder if you can use a lipo?
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Post by jaybirdtke » Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:43 am

Post by jaybirdtke
Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:43 am

You would need a charger specifically for Lipo's if you went that route. I actually like the fact that the stock charger is small and you can leave it connected while in use. As of yet, robobrothers does not have replacement batteries in their online store. I did find where you can have a battery pack fully assembled with the factory KAN700AA cells for $12.50 US, less shipping http://www.cheapbatterypacks.com. If you want to build your own you can use 800mAh cells from http://www.mittoni.com.au/23aa-800mah-n ... -1834.html but it will be $20.00 US, less shipping and you'll have to supply your own wire/connector/wrap and solder it yourself. If anyone knows where to get 2/3AA cells with a higher capacity, I would love to hear where.
You would need a charger specifically for Lipo's if you went that route. I actually like the fact that the stock charger is small and you can leave it connected while in use. As of yet, robobrothers does not have replacement batteries in their online store. I did find where you can have a battery pack fully assembled with the factory KAN700AA cells for $12.50 US, less shipping http://www.cheapbatterypacks.com. If you want to build your own you can use 800mAh cells from http://www.mittoni.com.au/23aa-800mah-n ... -1834.html but it will be $20.00 US, less shipping and you'll have to supply your own wire/connector/wrap and solder it yourself. If anyone knows where to get 2/3AA cells with a higher capacity, I would love to hear where.
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Post by trey3670 » Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:01 am

Post by trey3670
Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:01 am

well I allready have the lipo charger,I have other rc stuff,cars,helis,planes etc,so the charger is not an issue the space to fit it in however..........
well I allready have the lipo charger,I have other rc stuff,cars,helis,planes etc,so the charger is not an issue the space to fit it in however..........
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