Ok guys ...its now official - the next meet of the Uk Robot Builders Group will be on the 28th of February at Articole Studios in North Herstfordshire - 5 mins from junction 10 of the A1
The Uk Robot Builders new website is here http://ukrobotbuilders.proboards.com.
We have been running as a group for three years and meet once or twice year. We have guys (and galls) who build full size R2D2s, Daleks etc etc - we also have a toy designer amongst us.
Articole Studios (www.articolestudios.co.uk) build props in fibreglass & foam for the entertaiment business. We clear the workshop and put down a smooth board floor and sort out a few flat benches for everyone to put things on. We spend the day looking at each others work, drinking tea and coffee and with a few Robo Ones we will have some more fun.
Who wants to come and play for a day...??
Regards - Steve Cole