by PedroR » Mon May 30, 2011 5:59 pm
by PedroR
Mon May 30, 2011 5:59 pm
Hi all
We've previouslly announced the avilability of the
Fighting Forearms for Robobuilder. ( 32.50 GBP inc VAT for the pair)
We've now uploaded a couple of new videos and made available for Download the [url]Motion files to perform the maneuveurs with the Fighting Forearms you see in the videos [/url] (2 arm handstand, 1 Arm handstand, Particl Cartwheel and Full Cartwheel (this is a bold one)).
One Arm handstand and Cartwheel (the full cartwheel is a bold attempt I must say!)
Two Arm Hand Stand with
some serious Push Ups.
This is a cool new video we received from Robobuilder. Looks very nice.
A final note to the fact that in both videos the robot seems to be using the
Metal Joints. This is meant to improve stability (the standard plastic joints are are a bit flexible and the metal ones improve on this area and stabilize the robot better)
Hi all
We've previouslly announced the avilability of the
Fighting Forearms for Robobuilder. ( 32.50 GBP inc VAT for the pair)
We've now uploaded a couple of new videos and made available for Download the [url]Motion files to perform the maneuveurs with the Fighting Forearms you see in the videos [/url] (2 arm handstand, 1 Arm handstand, Particl Cartwheel and Full Cartwheel (this is a bold one)).
One Arm handstand and Cartwheel (the full cartwheel is a bold attempt I must say!)
Two Arm Hand Stand with
some serious Push Ups.
This is a cool new video we received from Robobuilder. Looks very nice.
A final note to the fact that in both videos the robot seems to be using the
Metal Joints. This is meant to improve stability (the standard plastic joints are are a bit flexible and the metal ones improve on this area and stabilize the robot better)