by PedroR » Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:55 pm
by PedroR
Fri Feb 03, 2012 4:55 pm
Hi Phoenix 143
I think it's important to separate 2 things:
1) The internal memory of the processor. This is where the AVR Code is stored.
2) Additionally there is an EEPROM module inside that can be addressed by the processor. However code can't be loaded into the EEPROM (but I guess you alreayd know this).
If your code is too big you may be able to store static info such as Motion Data on the EEPROM though and then read it back during the execution of the program.
You haven't shared much details about your code (ie are you suing the Robobuilder C code, your own custom one, ...) but there may also be some bug in code that's causing execution to halt.
Hi Phoenix 143
I think it's important to separate 2 things:
1) The internal memory of the processor. This is where the AVR Code is stored.
2) Additionally there is an EEPROM module inside that can be addressed by the processor. However code can't be loaded into the EEPROM (but I guess you alreayd know this).
If your code is too big you may be able to store static info such as Motion Data on the EEPROM though and then read it back during the execution of the program.
You haven't shared much details about your code (ie are you suing the Robobuilder C code, your own custom one, ...) but there may also be some bug in code that's causing execution to halt.