by PedroR » Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:05 am
by PedroR
Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:05 am
Hi l3v3rz
I was about to post about this but you beat me to it
We haven't yet had a chance to get our hands on these servos but they seem very promising.
According to the specs, SAM 3 seems to be based on current wCKs but with a modified gearbox. (for smaller size and consequently less torque).
I am not yet very impressed by TITAN in its current state (the video still shows early development efforts but we can see improvements from the videos we had seen privately a few months ago).
I believe they still have a lot of development ahead of them but I know Robobuilder is making plans to attend Robocup with TITAN to compete on the TeenSize and Adultsize leagues.
Back to the video I found the "Avatar" functionality particularly funny and original. Although there's nothing amazingly technical about it, it is a very creative approach!
They also showcase a small humanoid, similar to Robobuilder but built with their new line of servos. I would imagine it will be significantly smaller since the servos seem to be 3kg and 5kg servos (where current 57xx Robobuilders use 8kg and 11kg servos).
From what I understand (and see in the video) this smaller model is probably an attempt at competing with the OLLO market segment but offer some more "serious" features including proper servos and the ability to build more complete Robot shapes.
Anyway, we had not yet heard about this model, so considering Robobuilder's schedule from announcement to Public Availability we'll still probably need to wait several months before we see an announcement and several more before any release (SAM series took 1 year 3 months from announcement to release I believe...)
Hi l3v3rz
I was about to post about this but you beat me to it
We haven't yet had a chance to get our hands on these servos but they seem very promising.
According to the specs, SAM 3 seems to be based on current wCKs but with a modified gearbox. (for smaller size and consequently less torque).
I am not yet very impressed by TITAN in its current state (the video still shows early development efforts but we can see improvements from the videos we had seen privately a few months ago).
I believe they still have a lot of development ahead of them but I know Robobuilder is making plans to attend Robocup with TITAN to compete on the TeenSize and Adultsize leagues.
Back to the video I found the "Avatar" functionality particularly funny and original. Although there's nothing amazingly technical about it, it is a very creative approach!
They also showcase a small humanoid, similar to Robobuilder but built with their new line of servos. I would imagine it will be significantly smaller since the servos seem to be 3kg and 5kg servos (where current 57xx Robobuilders use 8kg and 11kg servos).
From what I understand (and see in the video) this smaller model is probably an attempt at competing with the OLLO market segment but offer some more "serious" features including proper servos and the ability to build more complete Robot shapes.
Anyway, we had not yet heard about this model, so considering Robobuilder's schedule from announcement to Public Availability we'll still probably need to wait several months before we see an announcement and several more before any release (SAM series took 1 year 3 months from announcement to release I believe...)