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Details about the new RQ_HUNO Humanoid

Korean company maker of Robot kits and servos designed for of articulated robots. Re-incarnation of Megarobotics.
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Details about the new RQ_HUNO Humanoid

Post by PedroR » Wed May 16, 2012 12:46 pm

Post by PedroR
Wed May 16, 2012 12:46 pm

Hi all

RQ-HUNO is a small humanoid being developed by Robobuilder that we've seen in some promotional videos on the web.

Robobuilder has now sent us some preliminary information about the Robot that we wanted to share:

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-4 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-7 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

The new model is smaller than the current 5710K and uses less powerful servos (I haven't seen it but would believe it to be more of an i-Sobot style robot but with the Programming Options)

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-5 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

The new controller has an ARM Cortex M3 and features A/D ports as well as support for DC motors.

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-6 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

RQ-HUNO should support the same software as Robobuilder: Action Builder, MotionBuilder and MSRDS

In addition, the Serial protocol (aka "RBC protocol") will be fully supported and should work just like it works with the current 57xx line.

The Servos also use the wCK protocol which should be exactly the same that is present in current wCk 1108 and 1111.
They will have lower torque though (3 kgf.cm / 5 kfg.cm)

Here are some videos that have been previously posted on other threads:
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='G-b0_KAfqNA$' width='642px' height='390px' align='middle' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0'><param name='movie' value='http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=G-b0_KAfqNA$'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000'><param name='wmode' value='opaque'><embed src='http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=G-b0_KAfqNA$' width='642px' height='390px' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowFullScreen='true' bgcolor='#000000'></embed></object>
(another video can be found here http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7828)

Pricing is not currently set but it should be less expensive than a Basic Robobuilder Standard edition ( http://robosavvy.com/store/product_info ... ts_id/1933 )

Another important thing to note is that this is Preliminary Information and is subject to change before the final release.

Hi all

RQ-HUNO is a small humanoid being developed by Robobuilder that we've seen in some promotional videos on the web.

Robobuilder has now sent us some preliminary information about the Robot that we wanted to share:

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-4 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-7 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

The new model is smaller than the current 5710K and uses less powerful servos (I haven't seen it but would believe it to be more of an i-Sobot style robot but with the Programming Options)

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-5 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

The new controller has an ARM Cortex M3 and features A/D ports as well as support for DC motors.

2012_04_27_RQ_Huo_Intro_Temp-6 by RoboSavvy, on Flickr

RQ-HUNO should support the same software as Robobuilder: Action Builder, MotionBuilder and MSRDS

In addition, the Serial protocol (aka "RBC protocol") will be fully supported and should work just like it works with the current 57xx line.

The Servos also use the wCK protocol which should be exactly the same that is present in current wCk 1108 and 1111.
They will have lower torque though (3 kgf.cm / 5 kfg.cm)

Here are some videos that have been previously posted on other threads:
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' id='G-b0_KAfqNA$' width='642px' height='390px' align='middle' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase='http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0'><param name='movie' value='http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=G-b0_KAfqNA$'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000'><param name='wmode' value='opaque'><embed src='http://flvs.daum.net/flvPlayer.swf?vid=G-b0_KAfqNA$' width='642px' height='390px' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowFullScreen='true' bgcolor='#000000'></embed></object>
(another video can be found here http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7828)

Pricing is not currently set but it should be less expensive than a Basic Robobuilder Standard edition ( http://robosavvy.com/store/product_info ... ts_id/1933 )

Another important thing to note is that this is Preliminary Information and is subject to change before the final release.

Savvy Roboteer
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Post by l3v3rz » Wed May 16, 2012 3:30 pm

Post by l3v3rz
Wed May 16, 2012 3:30 pm

Like the smart controller - I wonder if its compatible with the existing 57x0 models ? An M3 processor I can run at 70-100MHz so a lot more grunt. Like the expandability as well. Hope they offer an upgrade, or the cheaper bot will have a better controller.
Like the smart controller - I wonder if its compatible with the existing 57x0 models ? An M3 processor I can run at 70-100MHz so a lot more grunt. Like the expandability as well. Hope they offer an upgrade, or the cheaper bot will have a better controller.
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Post by PedroR » Wed May 16, 2012 3:47 pm

Post by PedroR
Wed May 16, 2012 3:47 pm

Hi l3v3rz

The Servos should be fully compatible with the current wCks so it should be possible to use the controller on the 57xx.

Actually SAM 3 and SAM 5 seem to be "scaled-down" versions of the current wck 1108 and wck 1111: the protocol is the same, they have the same possible speed settings, which seems to suggest they're using a similar firmware.

Only SAM models with Higher torque seem to have new processors and much more features.

With regards to a direct swap of the RBC (in 57xx) with this new controller that's actually a good question.

It's probably not a direct fit but we may be able to manufacture some adapter with the 3d printer.

The future roadmap for the 57xx line is not very clear yet. Robobuilder has given indications they plan to maintain it.
Robobuilder has not announced any replacement product for the market segment where the 57xx is so it makes sense to maintain it (maintain at least the 5720T).

There are things in the RBC that we're still not sure will be available on the new controller. In particular Bluetooth, IR Distance Sensor and Acc Sensor (I2C port).

Hi l3v3rz

The Servos should be fully compatible with the current wCks so it should be possible to use the controller on the 57xx.

Actually SAM 3 and SAM 5 seem to be "scaled-down" versions of the current wck 1108 and wck 1111: the protocol is the same, they have the same possible speed settings, which seems to suggest they're using a similar firmware.

Only SAM models with Higher torque seem to have new processors and much more features.

With regards to a direct swap of the RBC (in 57xx) with this new controller that's actually a good question.

It's probably not a direct fit but we may be able to manufacture some adapter with the 3d printer.

The future roadmap for the 57xx line is not very clear yet. Robobuilder has given indications they plan to maintain it.
Robobuilder has not announced any replacement product for the market segment where the 57xx is so it makes sense to maintain it (maintain at least the 5720T).

There are things in the RBC that we're still not sure will be available on the new controller. In particular Bluetooth, IR Distance Sensor and Acc Sensor (I2C port).

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Post by Kondo » Thu May 17, 2012 8:07 am

Post by Kondo
Thu May 17, 2012 8:07 am

Very good news, I'm hoping that it goes on sale, Do you going to sell from the store Robosavvy?

Thank you for the first images and details of RoboBuilder RQ
Very good news, I'm hoping that it goes on sale, Do you going to sell from the store Robosavvy?

Thank you for the first images and details of RoboBuilder RQ
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Post by l3v3rz » Thu May 17, 2012 8:35 am

Post by l3v3rz
Thu May 17, 2012 8:35 am

There are things in the RBC that we're still not sure will be available on the new controller. In particular Bluetooth, IR Distance Sensor and Acc Sensor (I2C port).

Well there must be at least BT for the "Smart Phone App" programming

Its really good they've kept compatibility with current version, I guess its less development initially as existing tools like motion builder will work with little change and has the benefit that future development hopefully will work on the older models.
There are things in the RBC that we're still not sure will be available on the new controller. In particular Bluetooth, IR Distance Sensor and Acc Sensor (I2C port).

Well there must be at least BT for the "Smart Phone App" programming

Its really good they've kept compatibility with current version, I guess its less development initially as existing tools like motion builder will work with little change and has the benefit that future development hopefully will work on the older models.
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Post by PedroR » Thu May 17, 2012 10:15 am

Post by PedroR
Thu May 17, 2012 10:15 am

I'm hoping that it goes on sale, Do you going to sell from the store Robosavvy?

Yes we plan to stock and sell this model as soon as it is available.
we're also working on re aligning our Robobuilder offer.

Most likely the new model will replace the 5710K Standard Edition (the base version) and we'll then have RQ-HUNO as an entry level robot (mostly because of price and size) and then the Full Featured Red and Blue Editions of the 5710K and 5720T at the top of the range.

Well there must be at least BT for the "Smart Phone App" programming

I would imagine from other documents I have seen I would imagine a Bluetooth option as well as a range of sensors and actuators will be made available for this controller separately.

I know Robobuilder will add an entry level range of products (Lego style basic constructions) that share the controller with RQ-HUNO.
Therefore I believe that - much like OLLO for example - we'll probablye see new accessories being released over time.
Do note I don't have any official confirmation about this.

I'm hoping that it goes on sale, Do you going to sell from the store Robosavvy?

Yes we plan to stock and sell this model as soon as it is available.
we're also working on re aligning our Robobuilder offer.

Most likely the new model will replace the 5710K Standard Edition (the base version) and we'll then have RQ-HUNO as an entry level robot (mostly because of price and size) and then the Full Featured Red and Blue Editions of the 5710K and 5720T at the top of the range.

Well there must be at least BT for the "Smart Phone App" programming

I would imagine from other documents I have seen I would imagine a Bluetooth option as well as a range of sensors and actuators will be made available for this controller separately.

I know Robobuilder will add an entry level range of products (Lego style basic constructions) that share the controller with RQ-HUNO.
Therefore I believe that - much like OLLO for example - we'll probablye see new accessories being released over time.
Do note I don't have any official confirmation about this.

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Post by l3v3rz » Tue May 22, 2012 3:18 pm

Post by l3v3rz
Tue May 22, 2012 3:18 pm

I see on the Korean site they announced updated of actionbuilder etc that support the new models (along with the old) referring to them as:

해당 모델 : Robobuilder RQ-110, RQ-120, RQ-130, RQ-HUNO,

So sounds like there will be some simpler/smaller kits as you say, equivalent of ollo and bioloid
I see on the Korean site they announced updated of actionbuilder etc that support the new models (along with the old) referring to them as:

해당 모델 : Robobuilder RQ-110, RQ-120, RQ-130, RQ-HUNO,

So sounds like there will be some simpler/smaller kits as you say, equivalent of ollo and bioloid
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Post by Kondo » Tue May 22, 2012 5:35 pm

Post by Kondo
Tue May 22, 2012 5:35 pm

l3v3rz wrote:I see on the Korean site they announced updated of actionbuilder etc that support the new models (along with the old) referring to them as:

해당 모델 : Robobuilder RQ-110, RQ-120, RQ-130, RQ-HUNO,

So sounds like there will be some simpler/smaller kits as you say, equivalent of ollo and bioloid

That means that there will be 4 different models? :shock:
l3v3rz wrote:I see on the Korean site they announced updated of actionbuilder etc that support the new models (along with the old) referring to them as:

해당 모델 : Robobuilder RQ-110, RQ-120, RQ-130, RQ-HUNO,

So sounds like there will be some simpler/smaller kits as you say, equivalent of ollo and bioloid

That means that there will be 4 different models? :shock:
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Post by l3v3rz » Tue May 22, 2012 5:55 pm

Post by l3v3rz
Tue May 22, 2012 5:55 pm

If you look at the picture of the box its refers to as RQ-Huno as RQ-160, so may be even more !
If you look at the picture of the box its refers to as RQ-Huno as RQ-160, so may be even more !
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Post by Kondo » Tue May 22, 2012 6:01 pm

Post by Kondo
Tue May 22, 2012 6:01 pm

I can not wait to go to market sooner!! :D
I can not wait to go to market sooner!! :D
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