by Roozze » Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:21 pm
by Roozze
Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:21 pm
Good day,
My name is Remco and new to this forum.
I am proud to own a Robobuilder 5720T for a few months now.
I got him even upgraded to a 20DOF, full metal gears, metal arms and legs and hips set.
It is very exciting to learn to walk, the robot after the upgrade there go hours and hours in it to do it a bit well.
I have a film of the things I have taught him.
This is the link of the video.
Can anyone tell me how I can copy the files. Motion builder
These are protected by Robobuilder.
It would be nice if someone could help refine the files to me.
It is not very smoothly hence.
Comments are welcome.
Greetings Remco
Good day,
My name is Remco and new to this forum.
I am proud to own a Robobuilder 5720T for a few months now.
I got him even upgraded to a 20DOF, full metal gears, metal arms and legs and hips set.
It is very exciting to learn to walk, the robot after the upgrade there go hours and hours in it to do it a bit well.
I have a film of the things I have taught him.
This is the link of the video.
Can anyone tell me how I can copy the files. Motion builder
These are protected by Robobuilder.
It would be nice if someone could help refine the files to me.
It is not very smoothly hence.
Comments are welcome.
Greetings Remco