by roboard » Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:43 pm
by roboard
Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:43 pm
Blacky123 wrote:Hi John, I wrote also the post with " RoBoard probably damaged by ESD here in the forum. I got a little shock when I wanted to disconnect the power from the Board, I assume it was a static discharge. The bord shut down and came never back to live.
In our experiences with several universities at Taiwan, there are three cases to break RoBoard:
1. plug the power supply inversely. (RoBoard has no protection for this.)
2. short the Vxx pins of high voltage (>> 5V) with any signal pin of COM ports, SPI, and I2C.
3. put uncarefully some conductor on RoBoard so that some components are shorted.
The ESD is a new issue for us, and we need to make some experiment to verify this.
For RoBoard's circuit diagram, anyone interested can email to

Blacky123 wrote:Hi John, I wrote also the post with " RoBoard probably damaged by ESD here in the forum. I got a little shock when I wanted to disconnect the power from the Board, I assume it was a static discharge. The bord shut down and came never back to live.
In our experiences with several universities at Taiwan, there are three cases to break RoBoard:
1. plug the power supply inversely. (RoBoard has no protection for this.)
2. short the Vxx pins of high voltage (>> 5V) with any signal pin of COM ports, SPI, and I2C.
3. put uncarefully some conductor on RoBoard so that some components are shorted.
The ESD is a new issue for us, and we need to make some experiment to verify this.
For RoBoard's circuit diagram, anyone interested can email to