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Roboard not detecting sdhc card

Based on DMP's Vortex processor / SoC this board is a full computer capable of running a standard Windows and Linux installation on the backpack of your robot.
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Roboard not detecting sdhc card

Post by manconeg » Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:59 pm

Post by manconeg
Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:59 pm

My roboard doesn't seem to be able to detect sdhc cards. I have tried two different cards and neither show up in the bios. The only difference is, when there is an sdhc card in the slot, "Auto-Detecting Pri Master.." appears on the screen and hangs for several seconds, followed by a screen telling me to select the proper boot device.

When I enter the BIOS and there is an sdhc card inserted (after "auto-detecting" apparently fails) there is no indication that the roboard has found my card.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? The contents of the sdhc card shouldn't make a difference at this point, I believe, as the card isn't even being seen. Any suggestions?
My roboard doesn't seem to be able to detect sdhc cards. I have tried two different cards and neither show up in the bios. The only difference is, when there is an sdhc card in the slot, "Auto-Detecting Pri Master.." appears on the screen and hangs for several seconds, followed by a screen telling me to select the proper boot device.

When I enter the BIOS and there is an sdhc card inserted (after "auto-detecting" apparently fails) there is no indication that the roboard has found my card.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? The contents of the sdhc card shouldn't make a difference at this point, I believe, as the card isn't even being seen. Any suggestions?
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Post by manconeg » Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:12 pm

Post by manconeg
Thu Mar 25, 2010 9:12 pm

New info: Tried another card and it worked. So the roboard is, apparently, configured correctly. The sizes were:
4gb SanDisk,
8gb Kingston,
16gb SanDisk

The 16gb being the only one that worked. Could there be something about the two initial cards that caused them not to work?
New info: Tried another card and it worked. So the roboard is, apparently, configured correctly. The sizes were:
4gb SanDisk,
8gb Kingston,
16gb SanDisk

The 16gb being the only one that worked. Could there be something about the two initial cards that caused them not to work?
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Post by JavaRN » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:10 pm

Post by JavaRN
Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:10 pm

If the issue is with Kingston, I had a problem with Kingston too. I managed to install XP on two SanDisk class 2 card twice on seprate cards 8Gb each and on separate roboards, but with Kingston the installation failed 4 times!!

Hope this helps.
If the issue is with Kingston, I had a problem with Kingston too. I managed to install XP on two SanDisk class 2 card twice on seprate cards 8Gb each and on separate roboards, but with Kingston the installation failed 4 times!!

Hope this helps.
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Post by roboard » Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:14 pm

Post by roboard
Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:14 pm

within users feebback, the SD card can not be detect, the problem might came from some SD card shell have some dimension torlance, so cause to SD slot and SD card can not touch correctly, especially the SD card made from China, offer you not so good solution, you can plug SD into slot and then try move SD card to the right side (just softly touch to the right side).

and we already choose and use the expensive one SD slot (socket) in production line, but still can not avoid some SD card detection issue, there are too many SD card manufacture in the world.
within users feebback, the SD card can not be detect, the problem might came from some SD card shell have some dimension torlance, so cause to SD slot and SD card can not touch correctly, especially the SD card made from China, offer you not so good solution, you can plug SD into slot and then try move SD card to the right side (just softly touch to the right side).

and we already choose and use the expensive one SD slot (socket) in production line, but still can not avoid some SD card detection issue, there are too many SD card manufacture in the world.
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