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continuous acquisition using the AD7918 on the RB-100

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Post by roboard » Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:28 am

Post by roboard
Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:28 am

ea4ps wrote:My fault!!! I did try and change the variable to 1023, for this reason in channel 7 I get 1023 value. Despite this, why do I get values like 32767 if these are inicializated or 496 and 1023 if nothing is connected?
I think that this happend because the adc chip is ?burned?

When calling ad7918_InitializeMCH() with all channels and some channels return 32767, it indicates that some A/D channels can't respond possibly due to the A/D burned.

Please try the same code with lower SPI clock: use spi_Initialize(SPICLK_10000KHZ) instead. If it gives the same results, your AD7918 chip might really be burned, and you can email tech@roboard.com for the repair issue. :)
ea4ps wrote:My fault!!! I did try and change the variable to 1023, for this reason in channel 7 I get 1023 value. Despite this, why do I get values like 32767 if these are inicializated or 496 and 1023 if nothing is connected?
I think that this happend because the adc chip is ?burned?

When calling ad7918_InitializeMCH() with all channels and some channels return 32767, it indicates that some A/D channels can't respond possibly due to the A/D burned.

Please try the same code with lower SPI clock: use spi_Initialize(SPICLK_10000KHZ) instead. If it gives the same results, your AD7918 chip might really be burned, and you can email tech@roboard.com for the repair issue. :)
Savvy Roboteer
Savvy Roboteer
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