by PaulL » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:17 pm
by PaulL
Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:17 pm
Ok, so yesterday, someone I work with showed me a video of 20 robots dancing. Not the kind of thing that makes me fall out of my chair, but does make me curious. I found the video he showed me, searched the web a bit, and found:
Now, it's not that there's this robot out there that uses a few ideas I had that bothers me, that's fine. What I'm irked about is the price: $17,589.60 USD. WHAT??? Yeah. 25 DOF, Ok, fine. Has a board that runs Linux. Ok, fine. Uses OpenCV for vision. Sure, Roboard can do that, too. SO WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT THIS ROBOT??? I have an answer, and this is what makes me mad: NOTHING!!! There is NO "MAGIC" in this 'bot. It runs a 500 Mhz CPU, 128 mb RAM, 2gb flash HDD. Servo torque specs are not particularly impressive. Run time of 90 minutes is probably overstated, but then I'm not going to fork out nearly $18k U.S. to find out for myself. And the cost for "maintenance" and lack of publicly available innards (or even any pics of what's inside), it's ridiculous. I get even MORE mad when I look into the business (Aldebaran Robotics) itself, but I digress.
How does this apply to Roboard? I am inspired, with a bit of anger that Roboard is more powerful, and yet there's this bot selling for nearly $18k with less power / capability than Roboard. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Roboard needs software, the kind it truly deserves- robust, powerful, flexible, configurable, extensible software.
Companies like this should NOT exist, not with a product like Roboard out there. I am quite frustrated for not having made more progress on my 'bot software up to now, but I am going to be spending quite a bit more time getting MY bot software built, using my Roboard, for a whole lot less money. And another point, it's hands are 1 DOF, I very much intend to have 5 in each hand, that is NOT a forgotten aspect to my project. I need to get the CAD work done and fabricate the brackets on my CNC'd mill.
In the end, I guess you can say finding this overpriced bot is my newfound inspiration for developing software for Roboard.
Take Care,
Ok, so yesterday, someone I work with showed me a video of 20 robots dancing. Not the kind of thing that makes me fall out of my chair, but does make me curious. I found the video he showed me, searched the web a bit, and found:
Now, it's not that there's this robot out there that uses a few ideas I had that bothers me, that's fine. What I'm irked about is the price: $17,589.60 USD. WHAT??? Yeah. 25 DOF, Ok, fine. Has a board that runs Linux. Ok, fine. Uses OpenCV for vision. Sure, Roboard can do that, too. SO WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT THIS ROBOT??? I have an answer, and this is what makes me mad: NOTHING!!! There is NO "MAGIC" in this 'bot. It runs a 500 Mhz CPU, 128 mb RAM, 2gb flash HDD. Servo torque specs are not particularly impressive. Run time of 90 minutes is probably overstated, but then I'm not going to fork out nearly $18k U.S. to find out for myself. And the cost for "maintenance" and lack of publicly available innards (or even any pics of what's inside), it's ridiculous. I get even MORE mad when I look into the business (Aldebaran Robotics) itself, but I digress.
How does this apply to Roboard? I am inspired, with a bit of anger that Roboard is more powerful, and yet there's this bot selling for nearly $18k with less power / capability than Roboard. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Roboard needs software, the kind it truly deserves- robust, powerful, flexible, configurable, extensible software.
Companies like this should NOT exist, not with a product like Roboard out there. I am quite frustrated for not having made more progress on my 'bot software up to now, but I am going to be spending quite a bit more time getting MY bot software built, using my Roboard, for a whole lot less money. And another point, it's hands are 1 DOF, I very much intend to have 5 in each hand, that is NOT a forgotten aspect to my project. I need to get the CAD work done and fabricate the brackets on my CNC'd mill.
In the end, I guess you can say finding this overpriced bot is my newfound inspiration for developing software for Roboard.
Take Care,