by JavaRN » Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:26 pm
by JavaRN
Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:26 pm
I've been working with lipo batteries for a couple of months. Lately a curious thing was happening - whenever the robot falls, roboard reboots or switches off. So I disassembled the robot, got roboard out and tested it with the battery. Whenever I twist or move the battery (to simulate a robot fall), roboard goes off in the worst case the wires melted!
I thought that this is something that has to do with the battery, so I connected the same battery to a CM-5 and to my surprised it worked, even when I twisted/moved the battery around.
Can roboard's molex connector be faulty? if so from where can I buy a molex connector similar to roboards ready crimpled?
I've been working with lipo batteries for a couple of months. Lately a curious thing was happening - whenever the robot falls, roboard reboots or switches off. So I disassembled the robot, got roboard out and tested it with the battery. Whenever I twist or move the battery (to simulate a robot fall), roboard goes off in the worst case the wires melted!
I thought that this is something that has to do with the battery, so I connected the same battery to a CM-5 and to my surprised it worked, even when I twisted/moved the battery around.
Can roboard's molex connector be faulty? if so from where can I buy a molex connector similar to roboards ready crimpled?
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