by veltrop » Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:51 am
by veltrop
Mon Nov 08, 2010 7:51 am
Forgot about the new documentation!
Thanks for your help as usual.
Hopefully soon I'll have some info to report about driving Kondo serial servos from COM4.
It would be nice if Roboard had a library for that in RoBoIO
But chrisvo has his nice ics4/rcb4 library, and there's the KCB SDK from Kondo which contains ics code so it looks like the community is going to take care of it

Forgot about the new documentation!
Thanks for your help as usual.
Hopefully soon I'll have some info to report about driving Kondo serial servos from COM4.
It would be nice if Roboard had a library for that in RoBoIO
But chrisvo has his nice ics4/rcb4 library, and there's the KCB SDK from Kondo which contains ics code so it looks like the community is going to take care of it