by Spiked3 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:06 pm
by Spiked3
Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:06 pm
"under WinXP, RoBoIO fails to initialize the "I/O library" only if it fails to initialize WinIO or it finds a wrong version of RoBoard.
If you get the "I/O library fails to ..." message, please ensure that
1. you login WinXP with Administrator, and
2. you don't run your RoBoIO application (with WinIO) on a network disk, and
3. you put winio.sys in a correct path (e.g. the directory of your RoBoIO application). "
"under WinXP, RoBoIO fails to initialize the "I/O library" only if it fails to initialize WinIO or it finds a wrong version of RoBoard.
If you get the "I/O library fails to ..." message, please ensure that
1. you login WinXP with Administrator, and
2. you don't run your RoBoIO application (with WinIO) on a network disk, and
3. you put winio.sys in a correct path (e.g. the directory of your RoBoIO application). "