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Roboard Mounting

Based on DMP's Vortex processor / SoC this board is a full computer capable of running a standard Windows and Linux installation on the backpack of your robot.
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Roboard Mounting

Post by hunter.allen » Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:24 pm

Post by hunter.allen
Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:24 pm

Hello all,

I was wondering if anybody had any tips on mounting the roboard to a robot (screw diameter, treading, prebuilt mount solutions, etc.). I would prefer to not do any guess work, and do it right the first time (well, you know how that goes).

-Hunter A.
Hello all,

I was wondering if anybody had any tips on mounting the roboard to a robot (screw diameter, treading, prebuilt mount solutions, etc.). I would prefer to not do any guess work, and do it right the first time (well, you know how that goes).

-Hunter A.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:42 pm

Roboard mounting

Post by Velocis » Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:55 pm

Post by Velocis
Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:55 pm

I used a piece of polycarbonate as can see in the pictures here: http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8105

I just asked my local polycarbonate distributer for a "test" piece, gave them the size and told them to stick a bend in it pretty much the same height as the vertical mini PCI stack, then all I did was mount the board directly to it, the polycarbonate is mounted to the actual robot via some plastic screws so there is no chance of short circuit from the bottom of the board to the chassis of the bot. Polycarbonate used is 3mm I think.

I have another piece of 1mm polycarbonate that is very flexible but still indestructable and easy to form, which I will be fitting from the top of the mini PCI and bending around to the bottom of the board once I stop stuffing around with the config, just to make sure I get nothing piercing through.

I can't recommend polycarbonate enough, its light, easy to work with, non conductive and bulletproof !
I used a piece of polycarbonate as can see in the pictures here: http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8105

I just asked my local polycarbonate distributer for a "test" piece, gave them the size and told them to stick a bend in it pretty much the same height as the vertical mini PCI stack, then all I did was mount the board directly to it, the polycarbonate is mounted to the actual robot via some plastic screws so there is no chance of short circuit from the bottom of the board to the chassis of the bot. Polycarbonate used is 3mm I think.

I have another piece of 1mm polycarbonate that is very flexible but still indestructable and easy to form, which I will be fitting from the top of the mini PCI and bending around to the bottom of the board once I stop stuffing around with the config, just to make sure I get nothing piercing through.

I can't recommend polycarbonate enough, its light, easy to work with, non conductive and bulletproof !
Robot Builder
Robot Builder
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Joined: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:25 pm

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