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KHR-1 Capabilities?

KHR-1, KHR-2HV, KHR-3HV, ICS servos, RCB controllers and other Kondo products
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KHR-1 Capabilities?

Post by X7JAY7X » Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:36 am

Post by X7JAY7X
Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:36 am

I just stumbled across this site last night and am intrigued.

I have a few questions. Is there a kit that has some sort of sensors that the robot can use to determine what it should do next. For example, lets say its walking and it comes to a wall, is there a distance sensor or something that could tell it there is a wall there, so turn around and do something else?

I guess to simplify my questions, when you program the robot does it just run through your predefined motion sequences? Can you actually load a program into it not just motoin sequences?

I just stumbled across this site last night and am intrigued.

I have a few questions. Is there a kit that has some sort of sensors that the robot can use to determine what it should do next. For example, lets say its walking and it comes to a wall, is there a distance sensor or something that could tell it there is a wall there, so turn around and do something else?

I guess to simplify my questions, when you program the robot does it just run through your predefined motion sequences? Can you actually load a program into it not just motoin sequences?


Post by limor » Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:37 pm

Post by limor
Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:37 pm

Hi and welcome to the forum.

KHR-1 comes without sensors. Kondo have introduced a sensor board extension which hosts a couple of sensors that can not be exported from Japan at the moment. There are a couple of 3rd party solutions that have been introduced in Japan to address sensors and controller board programming but they are expensive and translation from Japanese is not really there..

Adding standard collision, acceleration and light sensors in addition to a programmable controler board (that would link via serial interface to RCB-1) to KHR-1 should not be difficult for the experienced hobbyist.
You could easily add a gumstix.com computer or other cheap programable controler boards with serial interfaces and A/D.
Hi and welcome to the forum.

KHR-1 comes without sensors. Kondo have introduced a sensor board extension which hosts a couple of sensors that can not be exported from Japan at the moment. There are a couple of 3rd party solutions that have been introduced in Japan to address sensors and controller board programming but they are expensive and translation from Japanese is not really there..

Adding standard collision, acceleration and light sensors in addition to a programmable controler board (that would link via serial interface to RCB-1) to KHR-1 should not be difficult for the experienced hobbyist.
You could easily add a gumstix.com computer or other cheap programable controler boards with serial interfaces and A/D.
Savvy Roboteer
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Post by X7JAY7X » Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:10 pm

Post by X7JAY7X
Mon Dec 19, 2005 9:10 pm

I have been doing alot of PIC programming lately, but have just started messing around with Servos. I can get them to move, but I still need to make them moved to a certain point and at a certain speed for a given command. I was thinking I could use a EEPROM to store movements and the program could call different movements under different situations. It could also be remote controlled. This is a long ways away though. I need to build a robot first.

I have been doing alot of PIC programming lately, but have just started messing around with Servos. I can get them to move, but I still need to make them moved to a certain point and at a certain speed for a given command. I was thinking I could use a EEPROM to store movements and the program could call different movements under different situations. It could also be remote controlled. This is a long ways away though. I need to build a robot first.


Post by limor » Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:43 am

Post by limor
Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:43 am

the KHR-1 (and robonova) come pre-installed with flash memory software that does the PWM timing for you. it also comes with eeprom memory for storing motion sequences. all you have to do in order to make the robot react to the environment is tell the robot to perform motion sequences as a result of external stimuli.
To get the external stimuli you need some sensors on the robot's body and a second controller board with A2Ds.
To activate the motion sequences, your second controller needs to communicate with the RCB-1 over serial interface.

So basically if you addopt this model, you dont need to deal with PWM.
Alternatively, you can replace the RCB-1 with your own controller board and communicate directly with the servos. There have been previous discussions on this forum about communicating directly with Kondo's ICS servos (see links on the documentation page)
the KHR-1 (and robonova) come pre-installed with flash memory software that does the PWM timing for you. it also comes with eeprom memory for storing motion sequences. all you have to do in order to make the robot react to the environment is tell the robot to perform motion sequences as a result of external stimuli.
To get the external stimuli you need some sensors on the robot's body and a second controller board with A2Ds.
To activate the motion sequences, your second controller needs to communicate with the RCB-1 over serial interface.

So basically if you addopt this model, you dont need to deal with PWM.
Alternatively, you can replace the RCB-1 with your own controller board and communicate directly with the servos. There have been previous discussions on this forum about communicating directly with Kondo's ICS servos (see links on the documentation page)
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