by czyl » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:29 am
by czyl
Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:29 am
Thanks, Limor -- if possible, I will post a link to my data here as soon as it's recorded, to let others have a go at it. Which gyros do you think would be appropriate, and how many are needed to make a difference in the robot's stability during motion? Should I get one of the KRG2 or KRG3, or multiple copies of each, or both?
Thanks, Limor -- if possible, I will post a link to my data here as soon as it's recorded, to let others have a go at it. Which gyros do you think would be appropriate, and how many are needed to make a difference in the robot's stability during motion? Should I get one of the KRG2 or KRG3, or multiple copies of each, or both?