by ROGUESHOT » Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:23 am
Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:23 am
Hello, Im new on this, I want to make a AI software for a KHR-2HV.. but for that i need some king of API for java or C, in that API i want to just tell the robot via the serial port to move the servo or servos i want on real time... i want to use my computer as the brain of the robot...
So the question is... is there any way i could move the servos using an API on real time?
Well thanks 4 reading this and hope somebody can help me!
Hello, Im new on this, I want to make a AI software for a KHR-2HV.. but for that i need some king of API for java or C, in that API i want to just tell the robot via the serial port to move the servo or servos i want on real time... i want to use my computer as the brain of the robot...
So the question is... is there any way i could move the servos using an API on real time?
Well thanks 4 reading this and hope somebody can help me!