by tinmarok » Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:19 pm
by tinmarok
Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:19 pm
Very new in robotics stuff, i have a hard choice to make : choose between khr-2HV and KHR-3HV
I read several topics in this forum and I can not find the answer to the following wuestion :
does the 3HV can do the cartwheel. I know that this can be a dummy question, but i found such movement very funny.
I read also that the 3HV has better servos, a higly expandable motherboard and i'm very interested in the libkondo4 library. I also found thet both robots are very close in terms of price.
But......... I can see nowhere what are the "acrobatic" abalities of the 3HV.
Can someone help me in that "very" difficult choice please.
Thanks by advance.
please excuse me for my frenchy english
Very new in robotics stuff, i have a hard choice to make : choose between khr-2HV and KHR-3HV
I read several topics in this forum and I can not find the answer to the following wuestion :
does the 3HV can do the cartwheel. I know that this can be a dummy question, but i found such movement very funny.
I read also that the 3HV has better servos, a higly expandable motherboard and i'm very interested in the libkondo4 library. I also found thet both robots are very close in terms of price.
But......... I can see nowhere what are the "acrobatic" abalities of the 3HV.
Can someone help me in that "very" difficult choice please.
Thanks by advance.
please excuse me for my frenchy english