RoadNarrows Robotics RCB-3 Package
The RCB3 package is a collections of libraries, API header files, commands, and drivers for communication and control of robots containing the RCB-3 controller board.
There a two models of the RCB-3:
RCB-3 Standard model for want of a better phrase.
RCB-3J 24-servo J model. The KHR-2HV and MANOI AT01 use the J model.
The RCB-3J claims to support a real-time, multi-tasking foundation from which AI (embedded) host applications can be built with adequate control and update messaging. The RCB-3J HV (high voltage) designation is Kondo's nomenclature to indicate that the controller is a 9-12 volt device. Two communication channels are supported:
"High-speed" 115,200 bps channel via Serial over USB.
Low-speed receiver channel used with R/C type controls.
The RCB-3J control board can control 24 servo motors through the controller's output ports. Various Kondo servo families can be supported. Servo operational parameters can be set through the ICS interface.
In addition, 3 analog to digital input ports. The analog signal inputs can be scaled and mixed to trigger conditional program branching within the controller for autonomous reflexes.
The original RCB3_Interface package was developed by:
Laurent Lessieux (
Package List
The RCB-3 communication library the host and the RCB-3 controller.
API headers
The API headers files installed <includedir>/rcb3.
The USB serial drivers for the Familiar Linux 2.4 KoreBot.
Command-line RCB-3 shell.
A C library inteface to the RCB-3 serial interface and command set.
All libRCB3 diagnostics logging is at diagnostics levels 3 and greater.
API headers
The libRCB3 Interface headers.
Definitions and enumerations of the RCB3 message protocol.
The libRCB3 implementation.
Familiar Linux drivers for RS-232 serial over USB.
The ftdi_sio driver provides a RS-232 interface to the RCB3 USB device. This driver for the Familiar Linux has been modified to include the RCB3 USB vendor and product Id's. The source is provied, plus compiled versions for the K-Team KoreBot Familiar Linux.
The ftdi_sio driver uses the generic USB serial driver to actually interface with the USB device. Athough no modifications to this driver have been made, the source is provied, plus compiled versions for the K-Team KoreBot Familiar Linux.
librnr - RNR standard library 1.
libseria - RNR RS-232 library
Supported Platforms
i386 - any Linux Intel (backwards) compatible 32-bit architecures
x86_64 - any Linux AMD 64-bit architectures
armpxa - Linux Intel XScale PXA Arm architecures.
cygwin - Windows systems with installed cygwin.
osx - Mac OS-X architectures
Tested Systems
Fedora Core 5 and 6 Linux for the i386 and x86_64 architectures.
Ubuntus 9.4 Linux for the i386 and x86_64 architectures.
Familiar Linux 2.4 (K-Team KoreBot version) for the XScale PXA 255 Arm
Windows XP with Cygwin for Intel processors.
Mac OS-X 10.x for Intel processors.