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GND or not GND ... that is my question

Custom built or hacked Electronic boards and sensors
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GND or not GND ... that is my question

Post by Marsman » Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:33 pm

Post by Marsman
Sun Jun 11, 2017 2:33 pm


I hope there are some smart electronic circuit designers among the reader who can help me (rookie) solve the following issue I'm having. I am using the L293D Motor-Driver ICs which require a logic supply voltage (VCC1: 5V) and a power supply voltage (VCC2: up to 36V). Since I realized that they draw some current when VCC2 is connected I thought it would be clever to supply VCC2 only once the motors are needed (similar to the 'enable' pin). Question is what do I do with the VCC2 pin when it is not connected to the power supply. Can I pull it to GND or shall I leave it open?
L293D connections
Selection_036.png (12.81 KiB) Viewed 43341 times

I hope there are some smart electronic circuit designers among the reader who can help me (rookie) solve the following issue I'm having. I am using the L293D Motor-Driver ICs which require a logic supply voltage (VCC1: 5V) and a power supply voltage (VCC2: up to 36V). Since I realized that they draw some current when VCC2 is connected I thought it would be clever to supply VCC2 only once the motors are needed (similar to the 'enable' pin). Question is what do I do with the VCC2 pin when it is not connected to the power supply. Can I pull it to GND or shall I leave it open?
L293D connections
Selection_036.png (12.81 KiB) Viewed 43341 times
Robot Builder
Robot Builder
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Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:47 am

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