by SK » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:55 pm
by SK
Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:55 pm
As Billy said, gyros measure angular rate and this is the same regardless of position on the rigid body. Accelerometers are another story, normally you want them to measure acceleration by gravity to be able to estimate gyro biases. For this, mounting them close to the COG seems reasonable (provided the COG is somewhere close to the center of rotation the robot normally experiences).
What probably is more important than varying mounting by a few cm is to have them not vibrating. I've heard a few funny stories about gyros having the same natural frequency as the vibration of the quadrotors they were mounted in and putting out only garbage once the motors were switched on.
As Billy said, gyros measure angular rate and this is the same regardless of position on the rigid body. Accelerometers are another story, normally you want them to measure acceleration by gravity to be able to estimate gyro biases. For this, mounting them close to the COG seems reasonable (provided the COG is somewhere close to the center of rotation the robot normally experiences).
What probably is more important than varying mounting by a few cm is to have them not vibrating. I've heard a few funny stories about gyros having the same natural frequency as the vibration of the quadrotors they were mounted in and putting out only garbage once the motors were switched on.