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Smartness of the toy robots

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Smartness of the toy robots

Post by zahx » Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:48 pm

Post by zahx
Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:48 pm

You know. It's very interesting what the people think about the features of the robots. So I decide to make a short interesting poll.
This poll is about features that make the toy-robot smart. About what features are more important for the definition of the smartness of toy robot.

So please try to fill out this pull. It won't take a lot of time.


And of course it's interesting to read your thourts and discuss them!
You know. It's very interesting what the people think about the features of the robots. So I decide to make a short interesting poll.
This poll is about features that make the toy-robot smart. About what features are more important for the definition of the smartness of toy robot.

So please try to fill out this pull. It won't take a lot of time.


And of course it's interesting to read your thourts and discuss them!
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Post by limor » Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:46 pm

Post by limor
Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:46 pm

when i was in Uni, long time ago, there was a popular pre-internet computerized subscription match-making service/game for students that started as a physiology department experiment and within weeks had many thousands of student participating.
You filled in a poll (similar to this robot toy one) scoring the importance of over 200 things related to your dream partner/date.
For each item, you had to give your data/opinion, the data/opinion that your ideal partner should have, and how much weight to give this item in the overall matching score.
Examples of included: height, hair color, ethnicity, religion, education, music, sport, adventurousness, "love for dolphins" etc.
You would then receive once a week by mail a letter with contact details of one to five high scoring matched partners.
The matched partners conformed perfectly to the exhaustive scoring system. She/he had the perfect eye color, height, love for music and dolphins, socio-economic background and passions. However, they were usually disappointingly far off from what one expected.

The moral of the story is that a poll scoring people's ideal robot toy may not be the way to spec out the perfect product.

when i was in Uni, long time ago, there was a popular pre-internet computerized subscription match-making service/game for students that started as a physiology department experiment and within weeks had many thousands of student participating.
You filled in a poll (similar to this robot toy one) scoring the importance of over 200 things related to your dream partner/date.
For each item, you had to give your data/opinion, the data/opinion that your ideal partner should have, and how much weight to give this item in the overall matching score.
Examples of included: height, hair color, ethnicity, religion, education, music, sport, adventurousness, "love for dolphins" etc.
You would then receive once a week by mail a letter with contact details of one to five high scoring matched partners.
The matched partners conformed perfectly to the exhaustive scoring system. She/he had the perfect eye color, height, love for music and dolphins, socio-economic background and passions. However, they were usually disappointingly far off from what one expected.

The moral of the story is that a poll scoring people's ideal robot toy may not be the way to spec out the perfect product.

Savvy Roboteer
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Post by i-Bot » Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:47 pm

Post by i-Bot
Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:47 pm

I think it is the quality of the questions, not the technique:

"love of dolphins" pah, these were students ( 70's ?).

Do you have your own room ?

Can you get both me and you there after 10 pints ( you buy your own) ?

How many watts is your stereo ?

Is there a takeaway near your place ?

Do you mind if I ..... ?

And the imperfect product was always more fun.

So I agree the poll is likely flawed, because it incorrectly already assumes too much about i-toys. Ask the wrong questions and get the wrong answers. A future i-toy is likely as much a social tool as simply a technical capability
Maybe questions should be added like:

Can it be my pal ?

Will my mates consider it awesome ?

Can it inflict hideous damage to other robots ?

Should my robot be less smart or more smart than me ?

Should a robot have physical human attributes ?

Does it have its own room ? OOPs here we go again !
I think it is the quality of the questions, not the technique:

"love of dolphins" pah, these were students ( 70's ?).

Do you have your own room ?

Can you get both me and you there after 10 pints ( you buy your own) ?

How many watts is your stereo ?

Is there a takeaway near your place ?

Do you mind if I ..... ?

And the imperfect product was always more fun.

So I agree the poll is likely flawed, because it incorrectly already assumes too much about i-toys. Ask the wrong questions and get the wrong answers. A future i-toy is likely as much a social tool as simply a technical capability
Maybe questions should be added like:

Can it be my pal ?

Will my mates consider it awesome ?

Can it inflict hideous damage to other robots ?

Should my robot be less smart or more smart than me ?

Should a robot have physical human attributes ?

Does it have its own room ? OOPs here we go again !
Savvy Roboteer
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