by limor » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:22 pm
by limor
Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:22 pm
if anyone comes across info regarding floating point performance of these modules, please post here.
For hobby robotics we need some new metrics for these embedded boards.
What do we actually need all this computation power for?
1) Linux, WiFi and USB
-- connect an onboard camera
-- connect an onboard microprocessor that controls the motors and reads sensors (arduino or not)
-- any non linux (or windows/android) environment is too much hassle for hobby purpose
2) Enough CPU power (some floating point needed)
-- path planning (process sensors from microcontroller and control motors)
-- comprehensive gait generation, inverse kinematics and kinetics (for legged robots)
3) Vision processing (lots of floating point needed)
-- either relay the video over wifi to a remote PC and use Roborealm
-- or have enough floating point power onboard
-- There's either Intel or ARM. If we can afford Intel Atom then we can do pretty much anything on-board and throw in a kinect/xation for in-door depth vision and mapping
Assuming we go the route of onboard vision processing, what vision wizardry do we need for our robots to do clever things and at what resolution and frame/sec do we need those to perform?
I'd like to see a price/performance chart for robotics on-board CPU boards useful vision applications benchmark (google "robot vision benchmark")
- video face detects [VGA resolution] per second (robot looks at person)
points of interest detection [VGA resolution] per second
-- vision based localization
-- object tracking
if anyone comes across info regarding floating point performance of these modules, please post here.
For hobby robotics we need some new metrics for these embedded boards.
What do we actually need all this computation power for?
1) Linux, WiFi and USB
-- connect an onboard camera
-- connect an onboard microprocessor that controls the motors and reads sensors (arduino or not)
-- any non linux (or windows/android) environment is too much hassle for hobby purpose
2) Enough CPU power (some floating point needed)
-- path planning (process sensors from microcontroller and control motors)
-- comprehensive gait generation, inverse kinematics and kinetics (for legged robots)
3) Vision processing (lots of floating point needed)
-- either relay the video over wifi to a remote PC and use Roborealm
-- or have enough floating point power onboard
-- There's either Intel or ARM. If we can afford Intel Atom then we can do pretty much anything on-board and throw in a kinect/xation for in-door depth vision and mapping
Assuming we go the route of onboard vision processing, what vision wizardry do we need for our robots to do clever things and at what resolution and frame/sec do we need those to perform?
I'd like to see a price/performance chart for robotics on-board CPU boards useful vision applications benchmark (google "robot vision benchmark")
- video face detects [VGA resolution] per second (robot looks at person)
points of interest detection [VGA resolution] per second
-- vision based localization
-- object tracking