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Maple Mini + Adafruit PCA9685 + Pololu Maestro

Custom built or hacked Electronic boards and sensors
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Maple Mini + Adafruit PCA9685 + Pololu Maestro

Post by PaulL » Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:50 am

Post by PaulL
Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:50 am


The Maple Mini PWM and Adafruit Servo Controller will run all the main body servos, two Pololu Maestro servo controllers will run the hands.

Testing continues. So far, so good.

The motion code drives each in the same way. The PCA9685 board is connected using hardware I2C, not software I2C - works well.

Still need to do more on the command / response to the host system, and still need to do work on the 6 DOF Sparkfun IMU board - gyro comp for stability. Hoping I don't run out of CPU on the Maple...


The Maple Mini PWM and Adafruit Servo Controller will run all the main body servos, two Pololu Maestro servo controllers will run the hands.

Testing continues. So far, so good.

The motion code drives each in the same way. The PCA9685 board is connected using hardware I2C, not software I2C - works well.

Still need to do more on the command / response to the host system, and still need to do work on the 6 DOF Sparkfun IMU board - gyro comp for stability. Hoping I don't run out of CPU on the Maple...

Savvy Roboteer
Savvy Roboteer
Posts: 423
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 12:52 am

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