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DARwIn-OP availability date is now set

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DARwIn-OP availability date is now set

Post by PedroR » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:43 pm

Post by PedroR
Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:43 pm

Hi all

We have finally received information from Robotis on when we'll be receiving the first units of DARwIn-OP: it is scheduled to be in stock on August 1st.

Most of the units we'll be receiving are already reserved but if you're interested in purchasing one, please let us know and we'll ask for a few more to be sent.

One final note, if you're planning to buy a DARwIn-OP, depending on your needs or application, you may qualify for a special price. So please contact sales@robosavvy.com to get a quote.

Currently there are 2 editions of DARwIn-OP:
- DARwIn-OP Deluxe which is available here http://robosavvy.com/store/product_info ... ts_id/1579 and is the high end version.
It includes 2 Years extended warranty and a CM2500 pelican case.

- DARwIn-OP Academic - This is for Academic customers and customers and customers experienced in Dynamixel.
The Warranty is reduced and no CM2500 case is included (resulting in a price difference compared to the Deluxe)

Hi all

We have finally received information from Robotis on when we'll be receiving the first units of DARwIn-OP: it is scheduled to be in stock on August 1st.

Most of the units we'll be receiving are already reserved but if you're interested in purchasing one, please let us know and we'll ask for a few more to be sent.

One final note, if you're planning to buy a DARwIn-OP, depending on your needs or application, you may qualify for a special price. So please contact sales@robosavvy.com to get a quote.

Currently there are 2 editions of DARwIn-OP:
- DARwIn-OP Deluxe which is available here http://robosavvy.com/store/product_info ... ts_id/1579 and is the high end version.
It includes 2 Years extended warranty and a CM2500 pelican case.

- DARwIn-OP Academic - This is for Academic customers and customers and customers experienced in Dynamixel.
The Warranty is reduced and no CM2500 case is included (resulting in a price difference compared to the Deluxe)

Savvy Roboteer
Savvy Roboteer
Posts: 1199
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:07 pm

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