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DARwIn-OP Received in our Office - Teardown Revew

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Post by PedroR » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:45 pm

Post by PedroR
Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:45 pm

Hi all

We've made a post about the FitPC model use din DARwIn-OP: http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=33259#33259

Robotis doesn't seem to disclose the exact specs but we managed to find them (or so we believe).

Turns out DARwIn uses a special FitPC from Compulab called "SBC-FitPC2i". This is not a stripped down consumer edition of FitPC and is instead a very configurable Single Board Computer.

Hi all

We've made a post about the FitPC model use din DARwIn-OP: http://robosavvy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=33259#33259

Robotis doesn't seem to disclose the exact specs but we managed to find them (or so we believe).

Turns out DARwIn uses a special FitPC from Compulab called "SBC-FitPC2i". This is not a stripped down consumer edition of FitPC and is instead a very configurable Single Board Computer.

Savvy Roboteer
Savvy Roboteer
Posts: 1199
Joined: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:07 pm

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