by linux23dragon1 » Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:11 pm
by linux23dragon1
Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:11 pm
Using Ubuntu, I was able to use minicom (using the CLI/Terminal) to both connect and program the BlueSmirf.
This is how it can be done : -
UPDATE:- make sure you have these packages/programs installed : -
URL listings (if you use a custom Linux system) : - or
If you don't already have a connected bluetooth device, then connect a USB Bluetooth device and make sure it is made
"Visible and discoverable for other devices" (found in your Bluetooth manager settings).
Now turn on your CM5.
Using a terminal. You can collect the MAC address from your local (PC) Bluetooth device, from using this command : -
- Code: Select all
hcitool dev
You should see an output like this : -
hci0 00:13:EF:F1:43:A8
Scan for your remote BlueSmirf device : -
- Code: Select all
hcitool scan
You should see a response like this : -
Scanning ...
00:A0:96:18:FD:1A RoboRadio
NOTE : - I've already renamed my BlueSmirf to "RoboRadio".
We can now use
rfcomm command to connect the PC to the BlueSmirf, using the MAC Address ( in my case : - 00:A0:96:18:FD:1A) : -
- Code: Select all
rfcomm connect 0 00:A0:96:18:FD:1A
You should see a response like this : -
Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:A0:96:18:FD:1A on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup
Open a new tab (on the same terminal)or a new terminal and setup minicom.
- Code: Select all
sudo minicom --setup
Enter into "Serial port setup" on the menu and change the device to
/dev/rfcomm0. The only other settings to change (as to be expected) are "Bps/Par/Bits" {9600 8N1}, "Hardware Flow Control"{none} and "Software Flow Control"{none}.
Use the "Enter" key to exit the Serial port setup and select "Save setup as dfl". Then exit minicom.
This setup process will allow you to connect as a user, since it allows configuration files to be created at /etc/minicom/{minicom.users minirc.dfl}You should be ready to connect (and program) your BlueSmirf just by using the minicom command by itself :-
- Code: Select all
You should see somthing like this
Welcome to minicom 2.2
Compiled on Apr 27 2007, 16:42:25.
Port /dev/rfcomm0
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
If you don't see the connection "Port /dev/rfcomm0", then you need to setup a user "dfl" (just as you had done above), by Pressing CTRL-A Z then o key. Press CTRL-A Z and then the e key to enable local echo.
press +++ to see if it works, you should get a OK response. Your now in command mode.
You can now set the Baud rate to 57600 bps : -
- Code: Select all
And reduce the stand-by consumption Current (48mA) down to 2mA : -
- Code: Select all
And don't forget to rename the BlueSmirf too

name to whatever you like) : -
- Code: Select all
And to exit configuration mode:-
- Code: Select all
To exit out of minicom, Press CTRL-A Z q
You will need to setup the minicom com port settings to 57600 8N1, if you want to reconnect to your modified BlueSmirf via minicom.
Just of interest I've spotted this
post about changing the speeds between two bluetooth devices (local and remote). It just happens to be the same blutooth module
WML-C40AH (thats the BlueSmirf I have), and so uses the same BR-AT_COMMANDS-100 instruction set.
I was thinking about "reversing the local and remote devices, so that local is remote and remote is local". Just an idea
Oh yea, I've found a nice way to install the BlueSmirf into the CM5.
There is a area (in a corner of the CM5) cover, to allow for a small hole (for your wires) : -
I've found it convenient to solder the +ve 5V wire directly to the FET/regulator (for a stronger connection). There is enough space between the PCB and plastic enclosure to allow for wires : -
And the rest is as so : -

Using Ubuntu, I was able to use minicom (using the CLI/Terminal) to both connect and program the BlueSmirf.
This is how it can be done : -
UPDATE:- make sure you have these packages/programs installed : -
URL listings (if you use a custom Linux system) : - or
If you don't already have a connected bluetooth device, then connect a USB Bluetooth device and make sure it is made
"Visible and discoverable for other devices" (found in your Bluetooth manager settings).
Now turn on your CM5.
Using a terminal. You can collect the MAC address from your local (PC) Bluetooth device, from using this command : -
- Code: Select all
hcitool dev
You should see an output like this : -
hci0 00:13:EF:F1:43:A8
Scan for your remote BlueSmirf device : -
- Code: Select all
hcitool scan
You should see a response like this : -
Scanning ...
00:A0:96:18:FD:1A RoboRadio
NOTE : - I've already renamed my BlueSmirf to "RoboRadio".
We can now use
rfcomm command to connect the PC to the BlueSmirf, using the MAC Address ( in my case : - 00:A0:96:18:FD:1A) : -
- Code: Select all
rfcomm connect 0 00:A0:96:18:FD:1A
You should see a response like this : -
Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:A0:96:18:FD:1A on channel 1
Press CTRL-C for hangup
Open a new tab (on the same terminal)or a new terminal and setup minicom.
- Code: Select all
sudo minicom --setup
Enter into "Serial port setup" on the menu and change the device to
/dev/rfcomm0. The only other settings to change (as to be expected) are "Bps/Par/Bits" {9600 8N1}, "Hardware Flow Control"{none} and "Software Flow Control"{none}.
Use the "Enter" key to exit the Serial port setup and select "Save setup as dfl". Then exit minicom.
This setup process will allow you to connect as a user, since it allows configuration files to be created at /etc/minicom/{minicom.users minirc.dfl}You should be ready to connect (and program) your BlueSmirf just by using the minicom command by itself :-
- Code: Select all
You should see somthing like this
Welcome to minicom 2.2
Compiled on Apr 27 2007, 16:42:25.
Port /dev/rfcomm0
Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys
If you don't see the connection "Port /dev/rfcomm0", then you need to setup a user "dfl" (just as you had done above), by Pressing CTRL-A Z then o key. Press CTRL-A Z and then the e key to enable local echo.
press +++ to see if it works, you should get a OK response. Your now in command mode.
You can now set the Baud rate to 57600 bps : -
- Code: Select all
And reduce the stand-by consumption Current (48mA) down to 2mA : -
- Code: Select all
And don't forget to rename the BlueSmirf too

name to whatever you like) : -
- Code: Select all
And to exit configuration mode:-
- Code: Select all
To exit out of minicom, Press CTRL-A Z q
You will need to setup the minicom com port settings to 57600 8N1, if you want to reconnect to your modified BlueSmirf via minicom.
Just of interest I've spotted this
post about changing the speeds between two bluetooth devices (local and remote). It just happens to be the same blutooth module
WML-C40AH (thats the BlueSmirf I have), and so uses the same BR-AT_COMMANDS-100 instruction set.
I was thinking about "reversing the local and remote devices, so that local is remote and remote is local". Just an idea
Oh yea, I've found a nice way to install the BlueSmirf into the CM5.
There is a area (in a corner of the CM5) cover, to allow for a small hole (for your wires) : -
I've found it convenient to solder the +ve 5V wire directly to the FET/regulator (for a stronger connection). There is enough space between the PCB and plastic enclosure to allow for wires : -
And the rest is as so : -

Last edited by linux23dragon1 on Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:46 am, edited 7 times in total.
Love Linux and 3D Linux Games