by limor » Tue May 08, 2012 2:33 pm
by limor
Tue May 08, 2012 2:33 pm
13.5-farad capacitor power the knee motor and its Maxon 200-watt liquid cooled brushless motors can achieve instantaneous speeds of over 1000 degrees per second and 350 Nm of torque on the robot's knee joint. This capability allows the 53-kg robot to react to disturbances (in its case, kicks, knee strikes, and other abuse from researchers) and even jump 44 centimeters off the ground
love this stuff!
13.5-farad capacitor power the knee motor and its Maxon 200-watt liquid cooled brushless motors can achieve instantaneous speeds of over 1000 degrees per second and 350 Nm of torque on the robot's knee joint. This capability allows the 53-kg robot to react to disturbances (in its case, kicks, knee strikes, and other abuse from researchers) and even jump 44 centimeters off the ground
love this stuff!