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Dynamic Remcon via Sonar

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Dynamic Remcon via Sonar

Post by DirtyRoboto » Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:29 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:29 pm

I now have a routine that changes the bank for the remcon according to the sonar reading. You may not understand why I would want to do this, so I will explain.

My wish was to have different moves available depending on the proximity of another robot. If the opponent is outside combat range then I wanted my moves to be safer and more considered. When the opponent gets closer then bank of moves changes to a more responsive set. And when the opponent gets within combat range, the bank changes to attack/defence moves.
I use the music command to signal that it has changed banks.

I hope this gives you some inspiration.

I now have a routine that changes the bank for the remcon according to the sonar reading. You may not understand why I would want to do this, so I will explain.

My wish was to have different moves available depending on the proximity of another robot. If the opponent is outside combat range then I wanted my moves to be safer and more considered. When the opponent gets closer then bank of moves changes to a more responsive set. And when the opponent gets within combat range, the bank changes to attack/defence moves.
I use the music command to signal that it has changed banks.

I hope this gives you some inspiration.

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Post by hivemind » Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:45 pm

Post by hivemind
Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:45 pm

Nice idea- how reliable is the sonar for that kind of stuff? I presume you would be running a constant loop in the menu section of your program to watch the distance? I haven't really played with sonar, so I do not know how fast it updates. If it is reliable and reasonably fast then that sounds like a good idea.

Cool concept,

Nice idea- how reliable is the sonar for that kind of stuff? I presume you would be running a constant loop in the menu section of your program to watch the distance? I haven't really played with sonar, so I do not know how fast it updates. If it is reliable and reasonably fast then that sounds like a good idea.

Cool concept,

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Post by Bullit » Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:47 pm

Post by Bullit
Sun Jan 28, 2007 10:47 pm

Very creative!

What do you do if another robot is behind you? 8O
Very creative!

What do you do if another robot is behind you? 8O
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:26 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:26 am

Yes, I have the sonar read in main and do a basic arithmatic condition check to keep the code loop short.

I have found that the sonar is quite good untill you get down to 40cm, then the voltage changes are too small. The other drawback with the chest mount system is that the arms will sometimes trigger the sonar.
I have put arm checks inline with little loss in proc speed. If the arms enter the sonar window then I turn the sonar check off.

What do you do if another robot is behind you?

Behind me!!! Yikes!
Oh right! well thats why takeshi has me to help him. I have full sensory intergration to my software and can function without batteries. ;)

Yes, I have the sonar read in main and do a basic arithmatic condition check to keep the code loop short.

I have found that the sonar is quite good untill you get down to 40cm, then the voltage changes are too small. The other drawback with the chest mount system is that the arms will sometimes trigger the sonar.
I have put arm checks inline with little loss in proc speed. If the arms enter the sonar window then I turn the sonar check off.

What do you do if another robot is behind you?

Behind me!!! Yikes!
Oh right! well thats why takeshi has me to help him. I have full sensory intergration to my software and can function without batteries. ;)

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Post by Humanoido » Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:18 am

Post by Humanoido
Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:18 am

This is a good idea, and is inspiring... could also be applied to various forms of vision, sound, and tactile sensors. One interesting application is for AI, to induce particular behavior responses.
This is a good idea, and is inspiring... could also be applied to various forms of vision, sound, and tactile sensors. One interesting application is for AI, to induce particular behavior responses.
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Post by robbybot » Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:58 pm

Post by robbybot
Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:58 pm

hey marcus,
ive followed your videos on youtube and have to say im well impressed with your work on the rn1. especially the sonar , fast movement and combat related movements. i think your probably the most innovative programmer of robot movement ive come across in my exhaustive research into which would be the right robot for me.
for me the dream would be a robot wars the second generation in the u.k. utelising the robo one rules perhaps for bipedal/humanoid combatees? i feel this is something that will happen and all the guys on this forum are either willfully or unknowingly contributing to that eventuallity. lets face it the general public want robot warfare , without our subtle takes on the subject of robotics and programming as this is were the adrenalin comes from. i think a program on all round performance including combat would be ideal , like robot olympics!
anyway keep it up , i personnaly like the vstone robovie mv3 and am reading 3 different books about robots and programming at the moment to prpare myself to try and be as innovative as you are.
by the way im in wales so if you ever want to email me in private ill add my details the website.rob.
hey marcus,
ive followed your videos on youtube and have to say im well impressed with your work on the rn1. especially the sonar , fast movement and combat related movements. i think your probably the most innovative programmer of robot movement ive come across in my exhaustive research into which would be the right robot for me.
for me the dream would be a robot wars the second generation in the u.k. utelising the robo one rules perhaps for bipedal/humanoid combatees? i feel this is something that will happen and all the guys on this forum are either willfully or unknowingly contributing to that eventuallity. lets face it the general public want robot warfare , without our subtle takes on the subject of robotics and programming as this is were the adrenalin comes from. i think a program on all round performance including combat would be ideal , like robot olympics!
anyway keep it up , i personnaly like the vstone robovie mv3 and am reading 3 different books about robots and programming at the moment to prpare myself to try and be as innovative as you are.
by the way im in wales so if you ever want to email me in private ill add my details the website.rob.
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:22 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:22 pm

Cheers bruv! Sounds like you have robofeaver like me. I have not been posting much as I am working on my design for the grippers and have not been coding moves.

You have given me a good idea to get things going, so I will issue an all comers challenge, one-on-one RN-Fight.

Feel free to PM me if you need any help.

Cheers bruv! Sounds like you have robofeaver like me. I have not been posting much as I am working on my design for the grippers and have not been coding moves.

You have given me a good idea to get things going, so I will issue an all comers challenge, one-on-one RN-Fight.

Feel free to PM me if you need any help.

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Post by robbybot » Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:41 pm

Post by robbybot
Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:41 pm

yeah, i read your posts about them before the mad dude got involved with his coke tin antics :lol: , how is the design going?i spend my breaks at work sketching possible appendages for combative robots aswell as the odd multifunctional add on! my colleague thinks im insane :? !still each to their own :wink:
l meant to ask you , on youtube ive seen your sonar combat tests-are the rn1s poses activated by proximity to the robot or persistance of interuption of sonar?could you explain further how the sonar works in lemans terms say in a simple combat scenario (im a newbie , but intriged!).

cheers mate, rob. 8)
yeah, i read your posts about them before the mad dude got involved with his coke tin antics :lol: , how is the design going?i spend my breaks at work sketching possible appendages for combative robots aswell as the odd multifunctional add on! my colleague thinks im insane :? !still each to their own :wink:
l meant to ask you , on youtube ive seen your sonar combat tests-are the rn1s poses activated by proximity to the robot or persistance of interuption of sonar?could you explain further how the sonar works in lemans terms say in a simple combat scenario (im a newbie , but intriged!).

cheers mate, rob. 8)
You and your friend are in an open field and are confronted by a hungry lion.The lion starts to charge and it is clear you must run.What should your immediate goal be?Some say "Outrun the lion."Others say "Outrun your friend."
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:47 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:47 pm

I am kinda sketching them in my mind at the moment as I am undecided as to the direction to mount the servo. I am thinking about many ways to have the servo mounted so the drive horn is towards the top, and to how the gripper design would need to be done in a way to simulate his standard plastic arms in a closed state, yet offer a great DOF when opened. 160o of operation could be used with the servo mounted in this fashion.
Last night, I cable-tied my Cold Steel "Para Edge" knife onto Takeshi's left hand. Image
I then tried to cut a tomato with varying success. I figured that if my bot could not kill a tomato in a grusome way, then my bot needed a rethink.

onto the sonar...

I my first attempt at proximity driven action, I split the scenario into three parts.
1. anything over 1 meter is not a threat: just stand in standard pose.
2. anything less then 1 meter and over 1/2 meter is a possible threat: try to intimidate with aggressive moves.
3. anything within attack range: Attack using a randomly selected attack routine.

The program executes 1. and then will check the condition of the sonar every cycle until the condition changes. Then the program jumps to the triggered section and again, checks every cycle and so on.

Hope that helps.

I am kinda sketching them in my mind at the moment as I am undecided as to the direction to mount the servo. I am thinking about many ways to have the servo mounted so the drive horn is towards the top, and to how the gripper design would need to be done in a way to simulate his standard plastic arms in a closed state, yet offer a great DOF when opened. 160o of operation could be used with the servo mounted in this fashion.
Last night, I cable-tied my Cold Steel "Para Edge" knife onto Takeshi's left hand. Image
I then tried to cut a tomato with varying success. I figured that if my bot could not kill a tomato in a grusome way, then my bot needed a rethink.

onto the sonar...

I my first attempt at proximity driven action, I split the scenario into three parts.
1. anything over 1 meter is not a threat: just stand in standard pose.
2. anything less then 1 meter and over 1/2 meter is a possible threat: try to intimidate with aggressive moves.
3. anything within attack range: Attack using a randomly selected attack routine.

The program executes 1. and then will check the condition of the sonar every cycle until the condition changes. Then the program jumps to the triggered section and again, checks every cycle and so on.

Hope that helps.

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Post by Humanoido » Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:50 am

Post by Humanoido
Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:50 am

Last night, I cable-tied my Cold Steel "Para Edge" knife onto Takeshi's left hand. I then tried to cut a tomato with varying success. I figured that if my bot could not kill a tomato in a grusome way, then my bot needed a rethink.

How bout preparing food? Slicing and dicing tomato - with an added white apron - some lettuce, carrots, celery, and a small cutting board, we could have Robonova Chef, making salads upon demand. It would definately be cute! :D Humanoido
Last night, I cable-tied my Cold Steel "Para Edge" knife onto Takeshi's left hand. I then tried to cut a tomato with varying success. I figured that if my bot could not kill a tomato in a grusome way, then my bot needed a rethink.

How bout preparing food? Slicing and dicing tomato - with an added white apron - some lettuce, carrots, celery, and a small cutting board, we could have Robonova Chef, making salads upon demand. It would definately be cute! :D Humanoido
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:44 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:44 am

Tomatos pose a great threat to robokind. There have already been reports of tomatos plotting various feindish acts against robots. Now it is time to strike back ;)
Tomatos pose a great threat to robokind. There have already been reports of tomatos plotting various feindish acts against robots. Now it is time to strike back ;)
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Post by gdubb2 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:05 pm

Post by gdubb2
Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:05 pm

Hmmmm.. Kind of reminds one of that old 1978 movie classic.. "Attack of The Killer Tomatoes".

Do we need to worry???

Hmmmm.. Kind of reminds one of that old 1978 movie classic.. "Attack of The Killer Tomatoes".

Do we need to worry???

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