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Me again!

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Me again!

Post by kevdemed » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:37 pm

Post by kevdemed
Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:37 pm

Im getting more familiar with my robonova, but I have a few more questions.
I want to put the kung fu code into the overall robot files with all the other basic moves,so I downloaded it from the Hi-Tech forum.
But when I put it in there, It was highlited and a little arrow pointing down on the kung fu file icon.
when I opened the file, all the moves came up, except the kung fu moves.
Was there a step that I missed.
Also, when my robonova moves, it seem's a little shakey.
Is that normal?
How do I speed up the overall servo's?
I noticed it's a little slow.
Final question!
Were can I get rubber footing for my robonova's feet?
(or something like it?)

Thank's guy's!
Im getting more familiar with my robonova, but I have a few more questions.
I want to put the kung fu code into the overall robot files with all the other basic moves,so I downloaded it from the Hi-Tech forum.
But when I put it in there, It was highlited and a little arrow pointing down on the kung fu file icon.
when I opened the file, all the moves came up, except the kung fu moves.
Was there a step that I missed.
Also, when my robonova moves, it seem's a little shakey.
Is that normal?
How do I speed up the overall servo's?
I noticed it's a little slow.
Final question!
Were can I get rubber footing for my robonova's feet?
(or something like it?)

Thank's guy's!
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Me again

Post by engineer » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:05 am

Post by engineer
Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:05 am

hi, at least your RN-1 is moving. OK, rubber feet will keep the standup move from working well, the servo speed is controlled by the value you plug in after a speed ___ above a servo group move. If you have an arrow highlight on your programming page your computer is waiting for a paste or copy click. The programs have to be related to a key #. I don't want to slow you down, but if you spend some time modifying the .bas code and watching the changes you can make, and what the RN-! does, for instance uncommenting the v loop.or change speeds be careful the servos can jam and overheat. if you use caution and make small changes and work your way to where you want to go we could have another dirty to make videos like his great ones. Have a good time
hi, at least your RN-1 is moving. OK, rubber feet will keep the standup move from working well, the servo speed is controlled by the value you plug in after a speed ___ above a servo group move. If you have an arrow highlight on your programming page your computer is waiting for a paste or copy click. The programs have to be related to a key #. I don't want to slow you down, but if you spend some time modifying the .bas code and watching the changes you can make, and what the RN-! does, for instance uncommenting the v loop.or change speeds be careful the servos can jam and overheat. if you use caution and make small changes and work your way to where you want to go we could have another dirty to make videos like his great ones. Have a good time
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Post by kevdemed » Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:01 am

Post by kevdemed
Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:01 am

Thank's for the advice.
However, I still dont know how to put the kung fu code or push-ups in my robonova.
Thank's for the advice.
However, I still dont know how to put the kung fu code or push-ups in my robonova.
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:59 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:59 pm

All of the questions you are asking can be found by searching this forum!

Neopreane adhesive backed rubber can be found at craft stores. It protects furniture from hard items by sticking this stuff on the bottom of the item.
There are considerations to putting it on RN1. You need to figure out when you want the grip to come in (what angle of pose) as some moves require sliding the feet edges.

As for any code you insert into a tmplate, open the file,select the text, cut/copy/paste it into your robobasic file in the right place then DLoad to the RN1.

All of the questions you are asking can be found by searching this forum!

Neopreane adhesive backed rubber can be found at craft stores. It protects furniture from hard items by sticking this stuff on the bottom of the item.
There are considerations to putting it on RN1. You need to figure out when you want the grip to come in (what angle of pose) as some moves require sliding the feet edges.

As for any code you insert into a tmplate, open the file,select the text, cut/copy/paste it into your robobasic file in the right place then DLoad to the RN1.

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Post by Humanoido » Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:52 am

Post by Humanoido
Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:52 am

It's hard to say without seeing your RN if the shake is normal or not. You may want to post a movie - a clear closeup. It is normal for it to be a little shaky due to static balance and being pulled around by gravity. The feet are flat too so that has its own set of results. The servos can move a little jittery as well and I've seen this in various posted movies. It can be more noticeable when the arms move from down to overhead, as an example. Maybe someone knows how to "tune" the servos to eliminate the slight shake.

It's hard to say without seeing your RN if the shake is normal or not. You may want to post a movie - a clear closeup. It is normal for it to be a little shaky due to static balance and being pulled around by gravity. The feet are flat too so that has its own set of results. The servos can move a little jittery as well and I've seen this in various posted movies. It can be more noticeable when the arms move from down to overhead, as an example. Maybe someone knows how to "tune" the servos to eliminate the slight shake.

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Post by kevdemed » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:14 am

Post by kevdemed
Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:14 am

That's all I needed to hear!
That's all I needed to hear!
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Post by Humanoido » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:31 am

Post by Humanoido
Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:31 am

You're welcome. I also experimented with neoprene "shoes" and had some very good results with the walking routines. Dirty roboto is correct about a change in performance on some of the sliding routines. Some moves have exceptional improvement while others would need all new programming. Primarily the shoes act as a cushion and relieve some of the impact effect. It also affects inertia and can cause more sudden stops, depending on the routine. But if you're looking for smoother walking, this is one outstanding option.

Here's my results:


You're welcome. I also experimented with neoprene "shoes" and had some very good results with the walking routines. Dirty roboto is correct about a change in performance on some of the sliding routines. Some moves have exceptional improvement while others would need all new programming. Primarily the shoes act as a cushion and relieve some of the impact effect. It also affects inertia and can cause more sudden stops, depending on the routine. But if you're looking for smoother walking, this is one outstanding option.

Here's my results:


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Post by DirtyRoboto » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:14 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:14 pm

I use 2 pads per foot. both strips are 3mm in from the sides (including the plastic cover) and 5mm in from the front and back. The pads are aprox 57mm by 20mm.

I use 2 pads per foot. both strips are 3mm in from the sides (including the plastic cover) and 5mm in from the front and back. The pads are aprox 57mm by 20mm.

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