by brindy » Fri May 11, 2007 8:51 pm
by brindy
Fri May 11, 2007 8:51 pm
Hi all,
This old chestnut again, I'm afraid. I am trying to download code to my RN-I. So far I have had to wait until I got a Serial-USB cable but now I have one, I'm not having much luck.
I can issue commands to my RN-I with the roboRemocon and I can play around with the servos using the real time control, and Controller Information reports back ok, and I can set zero points and all that, but just no luck downloading code.
I recharged by RN-I to make sure it wasn't low battery.
Sometimes I get error code -4, sometimes -5.
Could anyone tell me what the various port settings are supposed to be, please? I have been playing around trying to get them to work.
If anyone has any ideas why I can't download code, I would be greatful to hear them.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
This old chestnut again, I'm afraid. I am trying to download code to my RN-I. So far I have had to wait until I got a Serial-USB cable but now I have one, I'm not having much luck.
I can issue commands to my RN-I with the roboRemocon and I can play around with the servos using the real time control, and Controller Information reports back ok, and I can set zero points and all that, but just no luck downloading code.
I recharged by RN-I to make sure it wasn't low battery.
Sometimes I get error code -4, sometimes -5.
Could anyone tell me what the various port settings are supposed to be, please? I have been playing around trying to get them to work.
If anyone has any ideas why I can't download code, I would be greatful to hear them.
Thanks in advance.