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About RoboBasic Question in console

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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About RoboBasic Question in console

Post by 493501596 » Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:32 am

Post by 493501596
Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:32 am

how do i use command line in console to open and execuse the program

i can open the .bas in console by typing like

[ c:\program files\robobasic\rbv2 "test.bas" ]

open the robobasic and show the program of test.bas
but how to execuse them (push the "Run" button )
by parameter ?


my english is poor :oops:
how do i use command line in console to open and execuse the program

i can open the .bas in console by typing like

[ c:\program files\robobasic\rbv2 "test.bas" ]

open the robobasic and show the program of test.bas
but how to execuse them (push the "Run" button )
by parameter ?


my english is poor :oops:
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Post by Gort » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:39 pm

Post by Gort
Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:39 pm

Why are you running roboBasic programs through the command line? How did you complie the pogram?
Why are you running roboBasic programs through the command line? How did you complie the pogram?
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Post by 493501596 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:34 am

Post by 493501596
Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:34 am

thanks for your replying

because i have an experiment for image processing

using VC++

when the image processing done , make a file of .bas

i have to send the processed data to robonova

but need to open the robobasic manually

so i think i may use the VC's function "system()" to open robobasic and exeuse the .bas,

i have another question XD
can i use VC++ to direct control the RoboNova?
(mean writing program on "Visual C++" software)
(like "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express" )
thanks for your replying

because i have an experiment for image processing

using VC++

when the image processing done , make a file of .bas

i have to send the processed data to robonova

but need to open the robobasic manually

so i think i may use the VC's function "system()" to open robobasic and exeuse the .bas,

i have another question XD
can i use VC++ to direct control the RoboNova?
(mean writing program on "Visual C++" software)
(like "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express" )
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Controlling Robonova

Post by JavaRN » Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:46 am

Post by JavaRN
Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:46 am

[url]can i use VC++ to direct control the RoboNova?[/url]

Of course you can, but first you have to invest in communication hardware such as sparkfun's bluetooth module, find the DLL to communicate with bluetooth module and communicate through the COM (serial communication) service of the bluetooth device.

[url]can i use VC++ to direct control the RoboNova?[/url]

Of course you can, but first you have to invest in communication hardware such as sparkfun's bluetooth module, find the DLL to communicate with bluetooth module and communicate through the COM (serial communication) service of the bluetooth device.

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Post by i-Bot » Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:36 am

Post by i-Bot
Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:36 am

It is unlikely that the Robobasic command takes command line agruments to do what you want.

It would need to load the .bas file, compile it to intermediate code or an obj file, download to the controller, then run it.

If you are OK in VC++, you could write a simple program to download .obj files. These can be created by Robobasic or some other program you make. You cannot use VC++, directly since the intermediate code for the RN is very simple and not the .NET CLR.

The communication to the robot is also a problem if you want to go wireless. The protocol from PC to RN is done byte by byte in ping pong between the two ( except in actual download). This makes is very very slow if you put bluetooth in that link, even if you raise the link speed.

It is normal on the RN to write a robobasic program which contains poses or simple routines, and then command those over the ERX/ETX link from an external program
It is unlikely that the Robobasic command takes command line agruments to do what you want.

It would need to load the .bas file, compile it to intermediate code or an obj file, download to the controller, then run it.

If you are OK in VC++, you could write a simple program to download .obj files. These can be created by Robobasic or some other program you make. You cannot use VC++, directly since the intermediate code for the RN is very simple and not the .NET CLR.

The communication to the robot is also a problem if you want to go wireless. The protocol from PC to RN is done byte by byte in ping pong between the two ( except in actual download). This makes is very very slow if you put bluetooth in that link, even if you raise the link speed.

It is normal on the RN to write a robobasic program which contains poses or simple routines, and then command those over the ERX/ETX link from an external program
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