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You should take a look at this!

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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You should take a look at this!

Post by JavaRN » Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:58 pm

Post by JavaRN
Sat Jul 21, 2007 1:58 pm

A famous Italian publishing house has just published their first Robonova magazine (they called it "RobozaK") For those of you who do not understand Italian (I do :lol:), the magazine will have 92 issues and with every issue there will be part or parts of the robonova kit. Every issue costs 11 euros with the exception of the 42nd issue that will cost 30euros, on their website they said that it will contain expensive material.

This is the link:


A famous Italian publishing house has just published their first Robonova magazine (they called it "RobozaK") For those of you who do not understand Italian (I do :lol:), the magazine will have 92 issues and with every issue there will be part or parts of the robonova kit. Every issue costs 11 euros with the exception of the 42nd issue that will cost 30euros, on their website they said that it will contain expensive material.

This is the link:


F'dan il-passatemp ghandek bzonn zewg affarijiet - FLUS u HIN. Zewg affarijiet li huma skarsi hafna u li jien minnhom ghandi vera ftit!
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that is cool

Post by Gort » Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:36 pm

Post by Gort
Sat Jul 21, 2007 5:36 pm

I wish they would do it in the US. So every week you get robonova parts and how to put them together? So by the end of the 92 issues your RN is builded?
I wish they would do it in the US. So every week you get robonova parts and how to put them together? So by the end of the 92 issues your RN is builded?
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:20 pm

Post by DirtyRoboto
Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:20 pm

Tell me when the controller issue comes out ;) and €11 per servo COOL!!!

Also, notice the hadns that this model has!

Tell me when the controller issue comes out ;) and €11 per servo COOL!!!

Also, notice the hadns that this model has!

In servo's we trust!
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Robonova Magazine

Post by JavaRN » Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:32 pm

Post by JavaRN
Sat Jul 21, 2007 11:32 pm

I did some math - well - after 92 issues you would have paid something close to 1000 euros for a Robonova with grippers! is it worth it ? Well for me not really, I already have one, but as Dirtyroboto said, 11 euros per servo is not bad. I think that the controller board will probably be with issue 42. By the way with the first issue they are already giving some parts of the robot and probably every issue is going to cost more than 11 euros if you don't buy the first issue and "book" your copies before.
I did some math - well - after 92 issues you would have paid something close to 1000 euros for a Robonova with grippers! is it worth it ? Well for me not really, I already have one, but as Dirtyroboto said, 11 euros per servo is not bad. I think that the controller board will probably be with issue 42. By the way with the first issue they are already giving some parts of the robot and probably every issue is going to cost more than 11 euros if you don't buy the first issue and "book" your copies before.
F'dan il-passatemp ghandek bzonn zewg affarijiet - FLUS u HIN. Zewg affarijiet li huma skarsi hafna u li jien minnhom ghandi vera ftit!
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