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SP03 and I2C

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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SP03 and I2C

Post by JavaRN » Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:14 pm

Post by JavaRN
Sat Aug 11, 2007 12:14 pm

I am trying to connect an SP03 speech module to Robonova through I2C. I soldered a resistor from the SDA and SCL connections to the +5V using a 4.9 K resistor as shown below:


The problem is that if I don't connect the SDA and SCL connections to the Robonova the SP03 will light up and also sounds a message and as soon as I connect the SDA and SCL lines to the robot's SDA and SCL, the SPO3 speech module lights up but the robot doesn't perform the initial routine (standing up and wait for the messages), also I cannot upload programs to it.

When I remove the SCL and SDA connections everything returns to normal. Any help please would be greatly appreciated.

I am trying to connect an SP03 speech module to Robonova through I2C. I soldered a resistor from the SDA and SCL connections to the +5V using a 4.9 K resistor as shown below:


The problem is that if I don't connect the SDA and SCL connections to the Robonova the SP03 will light up and also sounds a message and as soon as I connect the SDA and SCL lines to the robot's SDA and SCL, the SPO3 speech module lights up but the robot doesn't perform the initial routine (standing up and wait for the messages), also I cannot upload programs to it.

When I remove the SCL and SDA connections everything returns to normal. Any help please would be greatly appreciated.

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Savvy Roboteer
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