by NovaOne » Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:15 pm
by NovaOne
Wed Aug 15, 2007 7:15 pm
fuzzyoboe wrote:
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007 14:56 Post subject:
Thanks, Chris. I am not familiar with blue tooth, using RC you can move stick to control the motion, like using IR remote by pressing keys.
But blue tooh, what kind of control device you use, you use cell phone ? PDA ? or someting ?
It all depends how advanced you are.
I use the simplest method - a laptop PC with bluetooth. The bluetooth drivers provides what appears to be an additional serial communications port. The control program then simply needs to send commands (strings of characters that define for example a move or position) to this Serial port.
The specific Bluetooth module, which has been setup to talk to your Bluetooth unit on the PC will then relay these signals to its own wired serial port which you will have linked to the serial port of the MR-C3024 at ETX and RTX connections. In RoboBASIC, Data can be read with the RX (receive) common or transmitted (TX command) to the module...... and hence exchanging information with the control program.
In terms of the control program, you could if you were a very very good typist you could just use Hyper-terminal (I doubt any one does?). I wrote a simple Visual Basic program with a "nice" graphical interface. (I won't be posting it at this time because like some of my RoboBASIC programs it very amateurish), but there are various control programs available free from:
Matt must have spent days doing the graphics for that one.
And Pevs BioBlue here:
Also in Pev's link PDA Pocket PC software (RoboControl PPC II) he wrote for bluetooth enabled PDA (or cell phone, what the difference these days?)
These forms of control device are fine, but if you intend to be competitive at Robo-One, were reaction time is important, most use Play Station or XBOX gamepad controllers. Interfacing is usually via the PC first although I think some use other intermediate decoding device/microcontroller??
Of course your RC unit will also be great when reaction time is an important factor, and as I'm sure you know, they are used in competition.
fuzzyoboe wrote:
PostPosted: 15 Aug 2007 14:56 Post subject:
Thanks, Chris. I am not familiar with blue tooth, using RC you can move stick to control the motion, like using IR remote by pressing keys.
But blue tooh, what kind of control device you use, you use cell phone ? PDA ? or someting ?
It all depends how advanced you are.
I use the simplest method - a laptop PC with bluetooth. The bluetooth drivers provides what appears to be an additional serial communications port. The control program then simply needs to send commands (strings of characters that define for example a move or position) to this Serial port.
The specific Bluetooth module, which has been setup to talk to your Bluetooth unit on the PC will then relay these signals to its own wired serial port which you will have linked to the serial port of the MR-C3024 at ETX and RTX connections. In RoboBASIC, Data can be read with the RX (receive) common or transmitted (TX command) to the module...... and hence exchanging information with the control program.
In terms of the control program, you could if you were a very very good typist you could just use Hyper-terminal (I doubt any one does?). I wrote a simple Visual Basic program with a "nice" graphical interface. (I won't be posting it at this time because like some of my RoboBASIC programs it very amateurish), but there are various control programs available free from:
Matt must have spent days doing the graphics for that one.
And Pevs BioBlue here:
Also in Pev's link PDA Pocket PC software (RoboControl PPC II) he wrote for bluetooth enabled PDA (or cell phone, what the difference these days?)
These forms of control device are fine, but if you intend to be competitive at Robo-One, were reaction time is important, most use Play Station or XBOX gamepad controllers. Interfacing is usually via the PC first although I think some use other intermediate decoding device/microcontroller??
Of course your RC unit will also be great when reaction time is an important factor, and as I'm sure you know, they are used in competition.