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Problems in the beginning stage of building the RN-1?

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Problems in the beginning stage of building the RN-1?

Post by sharifk » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:57 am

Post by sharifk
Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:57 am

Hello all, new member here but very helpful forum :).

Onwards, did anyone have tiny bits of trouble figuring out the manual in the beginning? It seems like it was translated at parts :lol:.

Also, did anyone notice screws loosening up when trying to tighten? Very frustrating thing and my RN-1s head just pops right off if I pull on it hard enough, are there any ways to make it stick such as using super-glue or something?

Thank you for reading this, it's been a hectic few days building this bad boy.
Hello all, new member here but very helpful forum :).

Onwards, did anyone have tiny bits of trouble figuring out the manual in the beginning? It seems like it was translated at parts :lol:.

Also, did anyone notice screws loosening up when trying to tighten? Very frustrating thing and my RN-1s head just pops right off if I pull on it hard enough, are there any ways to make it stick such as using super-glue or something?

Thank you for reading this, it's been a hectic few days building this bad boy.
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Post by MadDogJoe » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:21 pm

Post by MadDogJoe
Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:21 pm

Couple of suggestions:

Make sure you are using the latest manual off the web. It clarifies several things, also look at the building notes here and at bauer independents they are really helpful.

I'm not sure what you mean by screws loosening up when you try to tighten them. Which screws are you talking about? The machine screws into the aluminum shouldn't strip out, but care must be taken (and don't forget loctite). If you are talking about the screws threading into the plastic servo horns, easy there muscles, you just want them snug. There are replacement parts available for anything you over did it on.

I don't have the orginal head on mine anymore, but as I remember the instructions weren't right (or at best useable) for that part.

When you screw the (4) 2x8mm screws into the servo horn that would hold the head on, they were just long enough to interfere with the fit of the head, but you couldn't mount the head completely before mounting the upper body bracket because the head got in the way of the four screw holes around it.

So, I screwed in (1) screw into the servo horn and the head (holding down on the head with a little pressure allowed that first screw to just catch the hole in the bottom of the head). I then mounted the upper plate (swiveling the head gently out of the way as I put the screws in). Then using a long screw driver I put the other (3) screw in while pressing down on the head. This barely holds the head on. Last, I couldn't see trying to screw the two screws from the top down, since they would be at a bad angle, so long magnetic screwdriver to the rescue again, I put screws (5) and (6) in in from the bottom into the holes that were left over.

I'm not sure this makes any sense without pictures, but I don't have that head on it any more, so I can't re-create it for you.

MadDog Joe
Couple of suggestions:

Make sure you are using the latest manual off the web. It clarifies several things, also look at the building notes here and at bauer independents they are really helpful.

I'm not sure what you mean by screws loosening up when you try to tighten them. Which screws are you talking about? The machine screws into the aluminum shouldn't strip out, but care must be taken (and don't forget loctite). If you are talking about the screws threading into the plastic servo horns, easy there muscles, you just want them snug. There are replacement parts available for anything you over did it on.

I don't have the orginal head on mine anymore, but as I remember the instructions weren't right (or at best useable) for that part.

When you screw the (4) 2x8mm screws into the servo horn that would hold the head on, they were just long enough to interfere with the fit of the head, but you couldn't mount the head completely before mounting the upper body bracket because the head got in the way of the four screw holes around it.

So, I screwed in (1) screw into the servo horn and the head (holding down on the head with a little pressure allowed that first screw to just catch the hole in the bottom of the head). I then mounted the upper plate (swiveling the head gently out of the way as I put the screws in). Then using a long screw driver I put the other (3) screw in while pressing down on the head. This barely holds the head on. Last, I couldn't see trying to screw the two screws from the top down, since they would be at a bad angle, so long magnetic screwdriver to the rescue again, I put screws (5) and (6) in in from the bottom into the holes that were left over.

I'm not sure this makes any sense without pictures, but I don't have that head on it any more, so I can't re-create it for you.

MadDog Joe
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