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My Robonova wont stand up when he's turned on :(!!!

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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My Robonova wont stand up when he's turned on :(!!!

Post by sharifk » Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:57 pm

Post by sharifk
Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:57 pm

Okay so yesterday I just finished building it, and I didnt read the manual past the final building steps. I plugged the charger into an outlet and the other end in my RN-1. I turned my RN-1 on and it couldnt stand up, but it tried so I assumed battery was dead. 10 - 20 minutes later, I kept turning it off and on and his stand got stronger every time, and I just wanted to see if he would really stand up.

So I left it charging over night, plugged the programming serial cable into the controller. turned him on (he doesnt stand up at all, very weakly keeps playing the melody and trying to move servos). I opened up robobasic to put in the OVERALL TEMPLATE PROGRAM and I hit the RUN ALL button to download into the controller. It did it once successfuly, and then I messed around with the remote but didnt get any results.

Now the robonova wont turn on when I switch it off and on, I have to wait a few minutes before turning it on. When it does turn on, and I try to download the code it gives me an error. It says CHECK CONTROLLER STATUS, POWER AND INTERFACE CABLE.

WHAT DID I DO?!? Please help :cry: !
Okay so yesterday I just finished building it, and I didnt read the manual past the final building steps. I plugged the charger into an outlet and the other end in my RN-1. I turned my RN-1 on and it couldnt stand up, but it tried so I assumed battery was dead. 10 - 20 minutes later, I kept turning it off and on and his stand got stronger every time, and I just wanted to see if he would really stand up.

So I left it charging over night, plugged the programming serial cable into the controller. turned him on (he doesnt stand up at all, very weakly keeps playing the melody and trying to move servos). I opened up robobasic to put in the OVERALL TEMPLATE PROGRAM and I hit the RUN ALL button to download into the controller. It did it once successfuly, and then I messed around with the remote but didnt get any results.

Now the robonova wont turn on when I switch it off and on, I have to wait a few minutes before turning it on. When it does turn on, and I try to download the code it gives me an error. It says CHECK CONTROLLER STATUS, POWER AND INTERFACE CABLE.

WHAT DID I DO?!? Please help :cry: !
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Post by sharifk » Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:17 am

Post by sharifk
Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:17 am

Okay so my robonova is working just fine after a 1 hr battery recharge.

I downloaded the program and went to COMPILE > SET ZERO POINT.

Heres my problems:

Pelvis servo 5 wont respond when trying to manually set its zero point, however it's locked in position.

PELVIS SERVOS 5 AND 7 are VERY VERY HOT!!!!! I just saw some smoke coming out of the robonovas head area (im not sure where it came out of exactly).

whats going on??? what do i do??

edit: repeated process, watched the robot. MASSIVE amount of smoke coming out of servo 5 (left legs pelvis) ... i dont understand??? its also not holding position much anymore, i can rotate it by hand a few degrees.

whats going on??? is it under load?

Okay so my robonova is working just fine after a 1 hr battery recharge.

I downloaded the program and went to COMPILE > SET ZERO POINT.

Heres my problems:

Pelvis servo 5 wont respond when trying to manually set its zero point, however it's locked in position.

PELVIS SERVOS 5 AND 7 are VERY VERY HOT!!!!! I just saw some smoke coming out of the robonovas head area (im not sure where it came out of exactly).

whats going on??? what do i do??

edit: repeated process, watched the robot. MASSIVE amount of smoke coming out of servo 5 (left legs pelvis) ... i dont understand??? its also not holding position much anymore, i can rotate it by hand a few degrees.

whats going on??? is it under load?

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Post by DirtyRoboto » Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:20 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:20 am

Remove servos 5 and 7 and make sure you didnt put any long screws in the wrong hole!
Smoke is a very bad sign for servos. In every case my servos smoked they ended up dead.
Remove servos 5 and 7 and make sure you didnt put any long screws in the wrong hole!
Smoke is a very bad sign for servos. In every case my servos smoked they ended up dead.
In servo's we trust!
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Post by sharifk » Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:40 pm

Post by sharifk
Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:40 pm

Im positive theres no wrong holes, i very carefully built this thing and read the manual over and over before putting any screws in for every servo.

its also very weak and doesnt hold its position anymore...

Will hitec replace it? It was very white and very thick smoke coming out of the hole on the side of the servo. I hope i dont have to pay for a new one :(
Im positive theres no wrong holes, i very carefully built this thing and read the manual over and over before putting any screws in for every servo.

its also very weak and doesnt hold its position anymore...

Will hitec replace it? It was very white and very thick smoke coming out of the hole on the side of the servo. I hope i dont have to pay for a new one :(
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:59 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:59 am

This is what causes smoke in most cases...

This is what causes smoke in most cases...

In servo's we trust!
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Post by sharifk » Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:27 pm

Post by sharifk
Mon Aug 20, 2007 4:27 pm

whats that? i do know theres some sort of board inside the servos.

who do i email or how do i get a replacement?
whats that? i do know theres some sort of board inside the servos.

who do i email or how do i get a replacement?
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Post by bauermech » Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:13 pm

Post by bauermech
Mon Aug 20, 2007 6:13 pm

I just finished building it, and I didnt read the manual past the final building steps. I plugged the charger into an outlet and the other end in my RN-1. I turned my RN-1 on and it couldnt stand up, but it tried so I assumed battery was dead. 10 - 20 minutes later, I kept turning it off and on and his stand got stronger every time,

Not to say that it was the cause, but you should never turn the RN-1 on with it still connected to the charger. Depending on the model you received, you could have been over-volting the servos each time you flipped the switch.

I know how tough it can be to wait sometimes, but it only takes a couple mistakes for the costs to really start adding up.

who do i email or how do i get a replacement?

Depends where you are, and what their policy is now a days. If Europe: http://www.robonova.de, if USA try: http://www.hitecrobotics.com.

Good luck. Hopefully it won't take too long for you to get your bot back up and running :)
I just finished building it, and I didnt read the manual past the final building steps. I plugged the charger into an outlet and the other end in my RN-1. I turned my RN-1 on and it couldnt stand up, but it tried so I assumed battery was dead. 10 - 20 minutes later, I kept turning it off and on and his stand got stronger every time,

Not to say that it was the cause, but you should never turn the RN-1 on with it still connected to the charger. Depending on the model you received, you could have been over-volting the servos each time you flipped the switch.

I know how tough it can be to wait sometimes, but it only takes a couple mistakes for the costs to really start adding up.

who do i email or how do i get a replacement?

Depends where you are, and what their policy is now a days. If Europe: http://www.robonova.de, if USA try: http://www.hitecrobotics.com.

Good luck. Hopefully it won't take too long for you to get your bot back up and running :)
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Post by sharifk » Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:59 am

Post by sharifk
Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:59 am

Thank your Mr. bauermech, I think you were the one who I asked for some info on the 5990TGs a while ago and you've been immense help.

Okay so I finally got a reply from Hitec, they said I need to ship it back. Seems like they only have 1 center in USA, which is in California. I'm in New York so I guess it should take a few to get to them.

And I'm praying to god I didnt damage any servos while messing around.
Thank your Mr. bauermech, I think you were the one who I asked for some info on the 5990TGs a while ago and you've been immense help.

Okay so I finally got a reply from Hitec, they said I need to ship it back. Seems like they only have 1 center in USA, which is in California. I'm in New York so I guess it should take a few to get to them.

And I'm praying to god I didnt damage any servos while messing around.
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