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Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Post by Droid Works » Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:37 am

Post by Droid Works
Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:37 am

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Last edited by Droid Works on Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The new KHR-1 or The Robonova?????

Post by tempusmaster » Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:27 pm

Post by tempusmaster
Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:27 pm

Droid Works wrote:I need some help. I cant decide whether to get the new KHR-1

It's better to refer to it as the "KHR-1HV" to avoid any confusion.
or the Robonova. Both are great bots and each have features the other docent.

Very true.
I like the new design on the KHR-1 it now has added servos to the hip so the legs can rotate which is really cool, more DOF.

It is very cool, more DOF and more complexity to deal with, which can be good and bad.
And I like the upgrade ability and large selection of scripts and software for the RN-1.

There are a large number of "scripts" available for the KHR robots. There's a wealth of hacking/mod information, and even two books as well. But the problem is that almost all of the material is only in Japanese. So far the KHR-2HV is the only one that has English docs and H2H3J in English. To build the KHR-1HV you have to use the KHR-2HV docs then look at the Japanese KHR-1HV docs to figure out what the differences are.

You can use H2H3J with the KHR-1HV... but if you want to really get into the full power of the robot and the RCB3 controller, you should use the full H2H3 app, which hasn't been translated. :(

I also have a few questions if anyone can help me out.

1) What can store more scripts or code KHR-1 or RN-1?

There is no way that I know of to make a direct comparision like that since the apps and data format are very different.

With the RN1 you can do some interesting programming using it's Basic language subset. The KHR-1HV can be setup to do similar 'programs' but you have to really dig into H2H3 and the RCB3. Some people find it hard to get used to the graphical H2H3 user interface.

In both cases, if you want to get heavily involved in complex programs you would probably end up replacing the controller for either robot with something that feels more natural and friendly to you for programming.

2) Which is the more agile robot?

Just my opinion, the KHR-1HV is much more agile. In addition to the extra DOF, the KHR-1HV servos are 0.345 degrees/step while the RN1 is 1 degree/step. You can change the KHR-1HV characteristics during motions which results in much more realistic movement. Of course the actual performance depends on the operator to a large extent.

3) I don't plan to use the remote much, so which one is best for a autonomous bot?

I'm not sure how to answer that question other than to say 'either one" or "neither." If you want to operate autonomously (whatever that means to you) then you'll have to add additional sensors and programming. Both robots were basically designed for remote control operation.
I would like to thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :)

Good luck.
Droid Works wrote:I need some help. I cant decide whether to get the new KHR-1

It's better to refer to it as the "KHR-1HV" to avoid any confusion.
or the Robonova. Both are great bots and each have features the other docent.

Very true.
I like the new design on the KHR-1 it now has added servos to the hip so the legs can rotate which is really cool, more DOF.

It is very cool, more DOF and more complexity to deal with, which can be good and bad.
And I like the upgrade ability and large selection of scripts and software for the RN-1.

There are a large number of "scripts" available for the KHR robots. There's a wealth of hacking/mod information, and even two books as well. But the problem is that almost all of the material is only in Japanese. So far the KHR-2HV is the only one that has English docs and H2H3J in English. To build the KHR-1HV you have to use the KHR-2HV docs then look at the Japanese KHR-1HV docs to figure out what the differences are.

You can use H2H3J with the KHR-1HV... but if you want to really get into the full power of the robot and the RCB3 controller, you should use the full H2H3 app, which hasn't been translated. :(

I also have a few questions if anyone can help me out.

1) What can store more scripts or code KHR-1 or RN-1?

There is no way that I know of to make a direct comparision like that since the apps and data format are very different.

With the RN1 you can do some interesting programming using it's Basic language subset. The KHR-1HV can be setup to do similar 'programs' but you have to really dig into H2H3 and the RCB3. Some people find it hard to get used to the graphical H2H3 user interface.

In both cases, if you want to get heavily involved in complex programs you would probably end up replacing the controller for either robot with something that feels more natural and friendly to you for programming.

2) Which is the more agile robot?

Just my opinion, the KHR-1HV is much more agile. In addition to the extra DOF, the KHR-1HV servos are 0.345 degrees/step while the RN1 is 1 degree/step. You can change the KHR-1HV characteristics during motions which results in much more realistic movement. Of course the actual performance depends on the operator to a large extent.

3) I don't plan to use the remote much, so which one is best for a autonomous bot?

I'm not sure how to answer that question other than to say 'either one" or "neither." If you want to operate autonomously (whatever that means to you) then you'll have to add additional sensors and programming. Both robots were basically designed for remote control operation.
I would like to thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you :)

Good luck.
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