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6V or 7V

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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6V or 7V

Post by JavaRN » Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:11 pm

Post by JavaRN
Fri Aug 31, 2007 10:11 pm

At last after three weeks the 6v 1300mah battery pack arrived, I charged it and connected it to the multimeter and got 7V. Does this mean that I have to install a voltage regulator or I connect the battery as it is? One other thing the battery contains two leads - one to recharge it and another servo-type connection. I was going to remove the servo connection and put a different one that would fit with the controller boad. Is that right?

At last after three weeks the 6v 1300mah battery pack arrived, I charged it and connected it to the multimeter and got 7V. Does this mean that I have to install a voltage regulator or I connect the battery as it is? One other thing the battery contains two leads - one to recharge it and another servo-type connection. I was going to remove the servo connection and put a different one that would fit with the controller boad. Is that right?

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Post by NovaOne » Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:22 am

Post by NovaOne
Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:22 am

I think your old battery must be on its last legs, because my standard RN Pack can measure about 7v immediately after a charge it soon drops to about 6.5v after about a minute.

I think your old battery must be on its last legs, because my standard RN Pack can measure about 7v immediately after a charge it soon drops to about 6.5v after about a minute.

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Post by Robo1 » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:09 pm

Post by Robo1
Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:09 pm


If I was you I would drop in a voltage regulator just to be on the safe side there only cost about £1 so not to pricey. A 5A one should do the trick.


If I was you I would drop in a voltage regulator just to be on the safe side there only cost about £1 so not to pricey. A 5A one should do the trick.

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Post by JavaRN » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:20 pm

Post by JavaRN
Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:20 pm

On second thoughts I don't think I need it because as soon as I connect it it drops down to 6.7V which is roughly the same voltage the Hitec battery has.

On second thoughts I don't think I need it because as soon as I connect it it drops down to 6.7V which is roughly the same voltage the Hitec battery has.

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