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Custom Brackets

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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Custom Brackets

Post by JavaRN » Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:15 pm

Post by JavaRN
Fri Sep 14, 2007 10:15 pm

I finally came to my final mod for the RN before I start programming it again. This time I want to make arms 5 DOF. But to be able to do this I want to design two custom brackets so that I can fit two servos together. But I'm finding it very difficult to do so. Today I've spent more that three hours to be able to do one (and I need another :cry:)

The way I did it was to design it on my computer as a diagram, then I printed the template and placed it on the aluminum sheet and then I cut the brackets. All works fine until I need to do the holes for screws, some of them don't match exactly even though on paper they are perfectly aligned and to measure.

Anyway, what I would like to know is how you do it, so may be I can do more brackets in less time :lol:

I finally came to my final mod for the RN before I start programming it again. This time I want to make arms 5 DOF. But to be able to do this I want to design two custom brackets so that I can fit two servos together. But I'm finding it very difficult to do so. Today I've spent more that three hours to be able to do one (and I need another :cry:)

The way I did it was to design it on my computer as a diagram, then I printed the template and placed it on the aluminum sheet and then I cut the brackets. All works fine until I need to do the holes for screws, some of them don't match exactly even though on paper they are perfectly aligned and to measure.

Anyway, what I would like to know is how you do it, so may be I can do more brackets in less time :lol:

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Re: Custom Brackets

Post by CaptKill4Fun » Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:33 am

Post by CaptKill4Fun
Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:33 am

JavaRN wrote:I finally came to my final mod for the RN before I start programming it again. This time I want to make arms 5 DOF. But to be able to do this I want to design two custom brackets so that I can fit two servos together. But I'm finding it very difficult to do so. Today I've spent more that three hours to be able to do one (and I need another :cry:)

The way I did it was to design it on my computer as a diagram, then I printed the template and placed it on the aluminum sheet and then I cut the brackets. All works fine until I need to do the holes for screws, some of them don't match exactly even though on paper they are perfectly aligned and to measure.

Anyway, what I would like to know is how you do it, so may be I can do more brackets in less time :lol:


8) Hi,

Is something like this what you're looking for?


This bracket allows the user to put two RoboNova-1 servos back-2-back ... one bracket on each side of the servo ...

Even though it's arcylic plastic, they're pretty strong using the servo as an integral structural piece of the system.

I figure to sell these about $5/pair + S&H ...

JavaRN wrote:I finally came to my final mod for the RN before I start programming it again. This time I want to make arms 5 DOF. But to be able to do this I want to design two custom brackets so that I can fit two servos together. But I'm finding it very difficult to do so. Today I've spent more that three hours to be able to do one (and I need another :cry:)

The way I did it was to design it on my computer as a diagram, then I printed the template and placed it on the aluminum sheet and then I cut the brackets. All works fine until I need to do the holes for screws, some of them don't match exactly even though on paper they are perfectly aligned and to measure.

Anyway, what I would like to know is how you do it, so may be I can do more brackets in less time :lol:


8) Hi,

Is something like this what you're looking for?


This bracket allows the user to put two RoboNova-1 servos back-2-back ... one bracket on each side of the servo ...

Even though it's arcylic plastic, they're pretty strong using the servo as an integral structural piece of the system.

I figure to sell these about $5/pair + S&H ...

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Post by JavaRN » Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:19 am

Post by JavaRN
Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:19 am

No not exactly like this its like the standard ones that come with robonova (the rounded ones), but they have to be the shape of a triangle in the sides. I managed to do two yesterday and I will post a photo of them later on today or tomorrow
No not exactly like this its like the standard ones that come with robonova (the rounded ones), but they have to be the shape of a triangle in the sides. I managed to do two yesterday and I will post a photo of them later on today or tomorrow
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Post by DirtyRoboto » Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:14 am

Post by DirtyRoboto
Mon Sep 17, 2007 11:14 am

Is your drillbit slipping on the metal? This may cause the problem you are talking about.

Use a centre punch to mark the holes. drill slow and precise.
Is your drillbit slipping on the metal? This may cause the problem you are talking about.

Use a centre punch to mark the holes. drill slow and precise.
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Post by Humanoido » Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:49 pm

Post by Humanoido
Mon Sep 17, 2007 12:49 pm

The first thing that comes to mind when working with printed templates on paper and transferring to metal, especially when I was bending metal, is lining up the holes requires bend compensations for the thickness of the metal in the bend.

The first thing that comes to mind when working with printed templates on paper and transferring to metal, especially when I was bending metal, is lining up the holes requires bend compensations for the thickness of the metal in the bend.

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Post by JavaRN » Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:24 pm

Post by JavaRN
Mon Sep 17, 2007 1:24 pm

The first thing that comes to mind when working with printed templates on paper and transferring to metal, especially when I was bending metal, is lining up the holes requires bend compensations for the thickness of the metal in the bend.

That was actually the problem. In the template I designed the holes were perfectly aligned but when I bend the bracket they are no longer aligned. So what i did was to first bend the metal then do the holes - this makes drilling more awkward and time consuming, but it worked!
The first thing that comes to mind when working with printed templates on paper and transferring to metal, especially when I was bending metal, is lining up the holes requires bend compensations for the thickness of the metal in the bend.

That was actually the problem. In the template I designed the holes were perfectly aligned but when I bend the bracket they are no longer aligned. So what i did was to first bend the metal then do the holes - this makes drilling more awkward and time consuming, but it worked!
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Post by NovaOne » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:08 pm

Post by NovaOne
Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:08 pm

I find the best way to design a bracket is to use a package like Autodesk Inventor, to make a 3D model. Then let the software package do the work of "virtually unfolding" the part and to generate a template, that I glue onto the metal plate.

I prefer using a metal hole punch to drilling eg:

Also I like to use guillotine and manual nibblers (like part number 86-2150 from:
http://www.rapidonline.com/) in preference to a saw.
I find the best way to design a bracket is to use a package like Autodesk Inventor, to make a 3D model. Then let the software package do the work of "virtually unfolding" the part and to generate a template, that I glue onto the metal plate.

I prefer using a metal hole punch to drilling eg:

Also I like to use guillotine and manual nibblers (like part number 86-2150 from:
http://www.rapidonline.com/) in preference to a saw.
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Post by CaptKill4Fun » Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:49 am

Post by CaptKill4Fun
Tue Sep 18, 2007 2:49 am

JavaRN wrote:No not exactly like this its like the standard ones that come with robonova (the rounded ones), but they have to be the shape of a triangle in the sides. I managed to do two yesterday and I will post a photo of them later on today or tomorrow

8) Hi,

These brackes are designed to use the alternative end-caps on the HiTec servos so instead of working with the servo horn and triangle attachment points these brackets connect two HiTec servos end-to-end with the servo horns sticking out above the bracket.

Basically, think of the two servo horns sticking out from the big 12mm holes and the 4-mounting body screws of the servo going through this bracket on each servo ...

I find this easier than trying to cut, bend and drill soft aluminum and I think these provide a stronger connection too.

In your RoboNova-1 kit some servos are built with the triangle mount and a fat 5mm hollowed-out servo horn while others have a more traditional style servo horn and a flat end-case ... you can get the kits from HiTec to shift from one configuration to another and when you buy a HSR-8498HB servo the two types of servo horns and end-caps come with the servo.

I don't know how much HiTec charges for end-cap kits, but I'd be very suprised if you couldn't get them from HiTec or a hobby shop.

JavaRN wrote:No not exactly like this its like the standard ones that come with robonova (the rounded ones), but they have to be the shape of a triangle in the sides. I managed to do two yesterday and I will post a photo of them later on today or tomorrow

8) Hi,

These brackes are designed to use the alternative end-caps on the HiTec servos so instead of working with the servo horn and triangle attachment points these brackets connect two HiTec servos end-to-end with the servo horns sticking out above the bracket.

Basically, think of the two servo horns sticking out from the big 12mm holes and the 4-mounting body screws of the servo going through this bracket on each servo ...

I find this easier than trying to cut, bend and drill soft aluminum and I think these provide a stronger connection too.

In your RoboNova-1 kit some servos are built with the triangle mount and a fat 5mm hollowed-out servo horn while others have a more traditional style servo horn and a flat end-case ... you can get the kits from HiTec to shift from one configuration to another and when you buy a HSR-8498HB servo the two types of servo horns and end-caps come with the servo.

I don't know how much HiTec charges for end-cap kits, but I'd be very suprised if you couldn't get them from HiTec or a hobby shop.

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Post by Humanoido » Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:23 am

Post by Humanoido
Tue Sep 18, 2007 7:23 am

Quick question - NovaOne, did you have a photo post and info about those unique looking grippers?

Quick question - NovaOne, did you have a photo post and info about those unique looking grippers?

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Post by NovaOne » Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:06 pm

Post by NovaOne
Tue Sep 18, 2007 9:06 pm



Their advantages are cheapness and the fact that all the stock RN moves still work without being modified.



Their advantages are cheapness and the fact that all the stock RN moves still work without being modified.

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