by NewBreedWarrior » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:47 am
by NewBreedWarrior
Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:47 am
So yeah, you got your new tilt sensor(s), gyro(s), volt reg, blah blah blah ect... I just seemed to have hit a wall, with nothing for my little guy to do. Is the new servos HSR-5990TG and HSR-5498SG going to make up for the lack of the MR-C3024, I need a good board or would going with gumstix to control it from my old laptop be a better way? With that said still the issue with hacking the MR-C3024 to program in a still seemingly effort of unknown way. I hate robobasic and want a new way, any suggestions? I've almost opted for a bioloid kit, but still another board limited.
So yeah, you got your new tilt sensor(s), gyro(s), volt reg, blah blah blah ect... I just seemed to have hit a wall, with nothing for my little guy to do. Is the new servos HSR-5990TG and HSR-5498SG going to make up for the lack of the MR-C3024, I need a good board or would going with gumstix to control it from my old laptop be a better way? With that said still the issue with hacking the MR-C3024 to program in a still seemingly effort of unknown way. I hate robobasic and want a new way, any suggestions? I've almost opted for a bioloid kit, but still another board limited.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.