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RN-1 Questions

Hitec robotics including ROBONOVA humanoid, HSR-8498HB servos, MR C-3024 Controllers and RoboBasic
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RN-1 Questions

Post by bbrainmonkey » Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:00 pm

Post by bbrainmonkey
Thu Nov 08, 2007 11:00 pm

I am new to the Robosavvy forms, and also actually completely new to the robotics industry as well. I am getting a Robonova for christmas and have a few questions, but first off, I would like to congratulate the robotics community. All you guys are so supportive of other members, and as I am only in the 8th grade, this really helps.

First off, how easy is it to find compilers for Robobasic? I have an extensive knowledge of basic, and am dissapointed to see how simple Robobasic is. Where might I be able to get a compiler for the chip?

Second, how easy is it to hack? I would be interested in adding hands, waist rotation, gyros, and cameras. how difficult is it to find/build these parts?

Finally, I am interested in competing in Robo-One competitions. Would it be reasonable to enter my Robonova after the hacks mentioned above?

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice you can give!
I am new to the Robosavvy forms, and also actually completely new to the robotics industry as well. I am getting a Robonova for christmas and have a few questions, but first off, I would like to congratulate the robotics community. All you guys are so supportive of other members, and as I am only in the 8th grade, this really helps.

First off, how easy is it to find compilers for Robobasic? I have an extensive knowledge of basic, and am dissapointed to see how simple Robobasic is. Where might I be able to get a compiler for the chip?

Second, how easy is it to hack? I would be interested in adding hands, waist rotation, gyros, and cameras. how difficult is it to find/build these parts?

Finally, I am interested in competing in Robo-One competitions. Would it be reasonable to enter my Robonova after the hacks mentioned above?

Thanks in advance for any helpful advice you can give!
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Post by bbrainmonkey » Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:59 am

Post by bbrainmonkey
Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:59 am

5 days=0 posts!!!!
5 days=0 posts!!!!
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Post by limor » Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:49 am

Post by limor
Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:49 am

there's no such thing as compilers for robobasic.
it is an interpreted language. each command runs some assembly language routine on the rn1 controller.

please check out the RN1 Wiki to see what and how others have hacked the RN1. "Easy" depends on your past experience. everything is easy if you put enough time into it.

entering into the Robo-One competitions will not be possible with the RN1 on its own. you will need some very advanced modifications to qualify. see the posts about Matt Bauer's creations and his adventures in Japan.
there's no such thing as compilers for robobasic.
it is an interpreted language. each command runs some assembly language routine on the rn1 controller.

please check out the RN1 Wiki to see what and how others have hacked the RN1. "Easy" depends on your past experience. everything is easy if you put enough time into it.

entering into the Robo-One competitions will not be possible with the RN1 on its own. you will need some very advanced modifications to qualify. see the posts about Matt Bauer's creations and his adventures in Japan.
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Post by tempusmaster » Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:07 am

Post by tempusmaster
Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:07 am

limor wrote:entering into the Robo-One competitions will not be possible with the RN1 on its own. you will need some very advanced modifications to qualify. see the posts about Matt Bauer's creations and his adventures in Japan.

That's true enough for the full ROBO-ONE competitions here in Japan. But there are ROBO-ONE type competitions like the RoboGames humanoid wrestling and the humanoid events put on by Chibots in Chicago.

ROBO-ONE used to have separate 'J' events for lighter weight bots, and now they are trying to expand the weight classes both higher and lower. For someone starting out with humanoids the Robonova is a great choice and they should be able to participate in some competitions, assuming they don't mind traveling a bit, even if it isn't at the full ROBO-ONE level.
limor wrote:entering into the Robo-One competitions will not be possible with the RN1 on its own. you will need some very advanced modifications to qualify. see the posts about Matt Bauer's creations and his adventures in Japan.

That's true enough for the full ROBO-ONE competitions here in Japan. But there are ROBO-ONE type competitions like the RoboGames humanoid wrestling and the humanoid events put on by Chibots in Chicago.

ROBO-ONE used to have separate 'J' events for lighter weight bots, and now they are trying to expand the weight classes both higher and lower. For someone starting out with humanoids the Robonova is a great choice and they should be able to participate in some competitions, assuming they don't mind traveling a bit, even if it isn't at the full ROBO-ONE level.
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Post by BillB » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:38 am

Post by BillB
Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:38 am

The standard RN1 is welcome at the UK ROBOONE sytle competeition. Just arrive with some new moves (i.e. not from the standard RN1 template) and you will be very welcome.
The standard RN1 is welcome at the UK ROBOONE sytle competeition. Just arrive with some new moves (i.e. not from the standard RN1 template) and you will be very welcome.
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