by i-Bot » Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:26 am
by i-Bot
Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:26 am
This is all I have seen: ... cts_id=381
I did my own based on a 16F688 interface, it also connects to the ETX/ERX like the Hitec one. I normally use the controller in Dual Shock 2 mode. I read the 16 buttons and encode into a single byte for use in the "ON" instruction. The joysticks go to a map table, so I can get either 10 to 190 output, +/- 15 or any other. The button pressure I map to 0 to 15, and use this to control the speed parameter. The PS2 controller is quite easy to program and put into DS2 or any other mode. I did have to make a keep alive loop to read the controller, to stop it dropping out of the locked mode.
I may add another output mode to give 2 outputs based on a both axis of a joystick, which I could add or subtract to the left and right side motions, rather like you would need to drive tank tracks. I tend to do the translation code on the PIC since it is faster than RoboBasic.
This PS2 controller is at least 20 times faster than the IR controller or an RC receiver and is proving very reliable.
Also both the IR controller and the RC receiver disable interrupts while they are being read, and both are very slow. This makes the jerky motion and poor response. The PS2 does not have this problem since it uses the ERX/ETX.
This is all I have seen: ... cts_id=381
I did my own based on a 16F688 interface, it also connects to the ETX/ERX like the Hitec one. I normally use the controller in Dual Shock 2 mode. I read the 16 buttons and encode into a single byte for use in the "ON" instruction. The joysticks go to a map table, so I can get either 10 to 190 output, +/- 15 or any other. The button pressure I map to 0 to 15, and use this to control the speed parameter. The PS2 controller is quite easy to program and put into DS2 or any other mode. I did have to make a keep alive loop to read the controller, to stop it dropping out of the locked mode.
I may add another output mode to give 2 outputs based on a both axis of a joystick, which I could add or subtract to the left and right side motions, rather like you would need to drive tank tracks. I tend to do the translation code on the PIC since it is faster than RoboBasic.
This PS2 controller is at least 20 times faster than the IR controller or an RC receiver and is proving very reliable.
Also both the IR controller and the RC receiver disable interrupts while they are being read, and both are very slow. This makes the jerky motion and poor response. The PS2 does not have this problem since it uses the ERX/ETX.